bah. before my trip to australia, i was thinking of making a handmade prezzie for tiger. i sought a few advice and settled down on cross-stitch (plus i have a cross-stitch guru: jenny, who is willing to teach me :P)
decided to settle on a bookmark. with a tiger print on it
for a few nights as i was busy cross-stitching away, a few friends msn-ed me and asked ‘what are you so busy with?’ and when i replied i was cross-stitching, a few of them were shocked.
“HUH? since when you cross-stitch?!”
“you gotta be kidding!”
“yeah right!”
“since when have you became domesticated?!”
“are you trying to do a jenny?!”
doh. tmd. i dont look like the kind meh? (i asked 10 peeps, and all said no. TMD TMD TMD!). anyway after a few hours, i finished it.

the almost completed work. (i added his name in here, can’t really show it to the world, aye? else my anonymous superhero will be revealed. LOL! inside joke :P)
so there! my first ever cross-stitch work done. i know its rather untidy and its quite small but its my first attempt!
but tmd, i think he’s more pleased with the shiranui akatsuki gundam model (ROAR!) that i got for him as a surprise instead. thanks to a certain kn who helped me plan the surprise.

alrighty. time to start on my 2nd cross-stitching project. for myself this time! i will be taking a short break from blogging. ran out of juice after the daily accounts, plus the heaps of work to settle @ work… and i have not started unpacking. will be replying your comments soon!
take care all!
I think the cross-stitch looks good.. I wanted to try my hand on knitting but i lost my patience after doing some practice.. guess i must start to use the threads :p
So if he’s Tiger….you’re the tortoise?
*runs away*
how..astute… u is a dead ah meng hahah
astute: acutely perceptive and shrewd; marked by practical hardheaded intelligence.
Hm….does that sound like a compliment?
Thanks, tiger.
only if i meant it as one
ayeeeeeee nice oneeeeee!
keep it up. 2nd one for meeeeeee?
Your crosstitch doesn’t look untidy at all. It looks quite nice infact.
Make that 11 peeps.
You cross-stitch??? Quick gimme 4 numbers, I go buy 4D. =P
Oh that cross stitch is cute. And the Gundam model rocks. As a guy, I’d always prefer the Gundam model too. Gonna be a pain trying to do texturing with gold paint.
tell me about it. lol. the outlining on the gold metallic surface is a pain, the marker doesn’t want to come out on the surface…
Aha! Do a Gundam cross-stitch next time, best of both worlds sia!
Hi there,
Nice work! The final product looks great! Sometimes, I guess what’s more important is believing in yourself. You’ll be amazed by the many more things you can do.