xmas comes early for nadnut!
what’s that?

silly fun at dfs. so cute, this salesgirl thought i was japanese and spoke japanese to me. i just smiled and nodded. muahahaa. must be my dressing.
leggings and skirt!

cute hat. lol.

ooooh. its from coach!

the box. why no ribbon one?!

my coach hamptons signature multi function wallet. wasted the colours i really wanted werent there. black was too boring and the limited edition (only for singapore dfs) baby blue one was too weird for my liking.

the inside. cant put much cards and nonsense. no fuss wallet!

happy nad!
the sad thing is.. yesterday after my lesson, the tutor gave us an assignment and it has to be handed up by monday. -_-“. time to piah project. sad thing was… i had free tickets to zoukout. oh well. BAH.
time to chong project leeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! wish me luck!
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