today’s cat.. so cute!

check out this cute image of rain!

a month ago (i think) some of the girls and i were drooling over some men, and rain was one of them for me.. we were talking about blogging an entry on ‘men we would like to…’, but with such issues going on right now, we thought it would be better to keep that entry for much later.. *cough* rain is one of them for me…
had a fun time at pitstop yesterday.. the joke about colin chong was hilarious. couldnt stop laughing. LOL
chong recently intro-ed some onionhead icons to me.. so cute!
 some guys would say this icon would suit me best…
 so cute the shy couple!
 this reminds me of one picture i took
 this is sooo cute!
hahaa it has been a long time since i have liked cutesy stuff but its just so adorable! lol