Love Pictures

the camwhore nerd in me.

ok. this post is gonna have lots of pictures of me, me and ME. not much words. if your the kind who gets turn off by ugly pictures, dont read this post. those with a weak stomach is highly encouraged not to read the entry.

ok. you have been warned.

i got bored this morning while dressing up for work. as today was casual friday, decided to spoof tiger. for those who have met tiger will notice that he tends to be dressed in polo-tees and his geeky black framed glasses.

and so i was bored and decided to dress like him. ala polo tee and black framed glasses.

and the result turn out like this.

geeky moi

at the office, everyone did a double take. for i am not usually clad in:

1. polo tees

2. bright colours. yes. this is considered bright for me. i usually wear boring colours like white, black, black, black, black and black!!

3. black framed glasses

and so i got remarks like ‘wah what happened to you?!’ and ‘acting studious ah!’. and the worse one of all? my big boss called me nerd-ia.

tmd. i am a hot nerd ok! bah. anyway nerds are gooooooood. =P

more camwhoring. 😛


yes. i was very very very very very very bored. and yes i am a camwhore. hahahaa. *ROAR* the tigress nerd in me has roared spoken.

15 thoughts on “the camwhore nerd in me.”

  1. totally agree with the ‘acting studious’ part. *snigger*

    *trying to hold back laughter, gives up* lol…. 😀

    nadnut: bleah.


  2. decent looking babe with a cute look u got…………….!!!!!!!!cheer to your this new look 😀

    nadnut: actually old look. :p hhaa. thanks anyway!


  3. Please re-read the first paragraph! It’s full of mistakes…

    nadnut: i know. 🙂 perhaps next time i shall type LiKe ThiS.


  4. hahaha…u look good in bright colours.
    indeed an interesting name created by cass…nerdia.

    nadnut: actually the name nerdia is created by my big boss. u never read my post properly!


  5. Huh? What has tYpInG LiKe ThIs got to do with anything? Sorry I am so anal but I gotta point out the mistakes!

    “if your the kind” -> if you’re the kind

    “gets turn off” -> gets turned off

    “those with a weak stomach is” -> those with weak stomachs are

    Ok, there… I feel MUCH better *sighs*

    nadnut: the more mistakes the merrier. heh. anyway, i dont really care about my mistakes. if i cared about how i typed, i would not use shortforms and use proper capitalisation. thanks but no thanks. 🙂

    anyway, u changed ur email address? lol. triple x!


  6. oh yeah, at least you rectified “discouraged”!

    nadnut: that’s the only problem i felt like rectifing. the rest, i can live with. heh.


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