if you realised that i have not been posting as frequently as usual, you are damn right.
i have been wanting to blog about my great experience at pitstop cafe but have not had the time to photoshop & blog. soon! (i hope!)
i am such a procrastinator!
- apply for leave – done!
- purchase airtickets – done!
- purchase travel insurance – done!
- exchange money – done! (sadly at 1.185 and not at 1.17
- apply for visa – done!
- borrow ‘draggable’ suitcase
- borrow winterwear
borrow/buy bigger memory stick– decided not to do this. just upload to tiger’s com…- purchase
travel sickness &sinus medicine – done! i remembered i have problems swallowing small pills, so decided to heck it! im sure there are free booze on the plane, shall drink and snooze… - apply for autoroaming (should i?) or buy prepaid card
- arrange date with online friend(s) to meet there – done!
- pack clothes
- pay whatever bills i have (mobile, transport, internet)
- handover workstuff to boss
yikes! so many things to do! i need to buck up and settle them!
and oh. yesterday was good news day. =D. 2 relating to company and … I AM GOING TO BANGKOK IN SEPTEMBER!
my (very nice) boss was tipping me off that jetstarasia (2 for 1 promo!) and tiger airways (40% off!) are having promotions.
after a few clicking, a few calls/msgs, i booked my airtickets within an hour! heh. fast decision maker. im bring the mother along, which is a bad thing. because i highly suspect lao niang yours truly would have to sponsor the (great) mother for the trip. and she was grinning like a chesire cat. of course lah! mother’s day was in may, her birthday in june and now a free trip!
tmd. i’m an easy target to my mum. she uses those guilt tactics, and there goes another month of salary! *doh!*
was exclaiming telling mrkennychan abt my fast and furious trip. heh. FINALLY! last time i went bkk was in june 04. and it was a budget trip. lol. when we realised, i was going to the land down under soon and bkk in sept whereas for him, its the direct opposite! lol!
so that’s one happy thing. and oh, we (more like i) paid like 160 per person including taxes… but of course this does not include accommodation. speaking of accommodation, any recommendations?
so far so good. (aside from the pathetic 3 figure amount in my bank account after paying for airtickets and exchanging $ for my trip!)
now, the bad…
my wisdom tooth is growing and the gums around it is swollen and bleeding at times. hurts hurts hurts! managed to schedule an appt with the dental clinic (which at first told me, the only available slot was in september !!!! but heng, someone cancelled and im gonna see the dentist this week!)
yikes, am pretty freaked out by the thought of going thru another op.
oh well. see how things goes… that’s my (rather boring and random) updates! pitstop entry coming soon! (i hope!)
I had my two lower molars removed years ago.
If not urgent i.e. emergency, ask if dentist can prescribe a week of anti-biotics in advance for you to take a week before the procedure.
Did mine that way and was back to solid food by the 2nd day.
p.s. believe it or not, my dentist’s name is readly Dr Mickey. o.O
I just extracted mine (thru op) on Tues, swells like a pig man! Good luck to urs =)
did u say drink and snooze?
the last time i remembered you drinkning was definitely NOT snoozing! LOL
hmm u can try staying at Baiyoke Sky in BKK.. quite a nice hotel…
btw removing of the wisdom tooth can b quite expensive at private dental clinic..maybe you can consider doing it in public hospital and use your medisave to pay for it? This is what i did the last i removed 2..
a wisdom tooth operation will land you out of action for one week… you might want to make sure the operation doesn’t clash with your holiday schedules otherwise it’ll be a painful trip instead of an enjoyable one!
super goot news day at that, bah. (I also want the same stuff you got!)
pull the tooth! ;p
For hotels in Bangkok. It depends on your budget and preference. If you want one thats near the shopping area, there’s a few. For a higher budget, go for Princess Pathumwan (Bout $150/night. Thats one of the best around). For lower budget (bout $120/night) go for Novotel or Arnoma. These 2 are pretty good I feel.
Then there’s the Baiyoke hotels. There’s 2. One is higher classed than the other. Not sure which is which. A little further down from the main shopping district. Near Patunam Market. Cheaper as well. But I heard the lower classed one is haunted. So better check properly.
if you want one thats really cheap, then they probably arent near the shopping area. IMO, if you get one thats far from the shopping area, you will end up spending the $$ on the transport. So, if you’re a crazy shopper like me, its best you get one thats near the shopping district so that you can drop your barang barang and head to the next stop fast!
Anyway, the cheaper hotels that are not bad are probably the boutique hotels. I remember there was one called “The Boutique Hotel”.
For booking of hotels, visit http://www.asiarooms.com. They’ve got the best rates around for most of the rooms. And they show the pictures of the rooms, the maps and the areas they’re in. Very good if you want to check if its near the shopping area.