a week ago, some of us had dinner at this restaurant located near beauty world. the ambience was nice, service was good, company was hilarious.. unfortunately the dinner portions were tiny!
quite pathetic actually. i had a tiny steak and a mocktail and it amounted to fifty buckaroos. for the same amount, i could have eaten at black angus with a much bigger steak!
anyway, this will be mainly a pictorial entry. so enjoy the pics and video.

my pathetic steak.

wasn’t bloody enough for me. *pun intended*

aloe vera’s veal. looks yummy!

akk’s and naiveguy’s lamb chops play a long!

the torchlight..
check out the electronic pepper shaker/grinder/whatever u call it. it was my first time seeing one!

the ladies decided to try the mocktail after reading the interesting description..

where’s the snowcap?! a bit too sour for me.

barffie’s & naiveguy’s bomba alaska. tiny version.

its no wonder i looked so depressed after reaching home. still hungry. lol!