by the time you read this post, i would be stuck in a hotel and will not be back till sunday night…
no, i’m not on holiday! (i wish!), i’m not having a rendezvous with my lover… i’m actually working. *ROAR!*
this week is a killer week for moi. from monday, its a straight 10 days work week. because of some event.
anyway, i decided to schedule this post when i’m away.. here are pics from the clubbing outing that i blogged about previously.
a group of us headed to o bar. (my fave r&b cheap drinks club), ordered a few jugs, shots and played 5-10. tmd. i was leading all the way, did not even lose till the end, lost all the way.
first up, a pic of a few of us!

despite the drinks, seems like i couldnt get high! tmd! when you wanna get high, you cant get high. when you don’t wanna get high, you’ll get high easily. -____-”
but SOMEBODY got drunk. *cough cough*
it was a funny sight to see that SOMEBODY drunk. its not often can see such an interesting show. thank god, that person isnt an annoying drunk, dancing and jeering at a certain person. lol.
we hit the dancefloor. boy, do i feel out of touch after not clubbing for so long. so out of touch that i forgot how to whack irritating guys. had to have kok to ‘rescue’ me. *paiseh*

dishevelled moi and my top…
we then camwhored…. a hell lot! and no, we are not drunk… it is always fun hanging out with this group of friends. have known them for 5 years. from mahjong, to baking sessions to gatherings to suntanning, chalets and bbq, i always feel at home with them.

sometimes we don’t manage to meet up often due to each others rather hectic schedule, but i guess even when we do not meet for months, our friendship does not drift apart.
the same goes for my bsc clique. so when is our next clubbing outing?
nadddddddd! thats a really nice top!
and you’re probably away now but I TAGGED YOU!
you have ta do the questionnaire on my blog when you come back! =] MUAHA!
ok, take care!
hope to see ya soon!
nadnut: thanks for the compliment…. noooo tagging!
sexy…. hahaa =p
nadnut: o.O. more like disheveled mess…