late late late entry! procrastination is my best friend.
as usual, every year we have the bsc xmas dinner. this year it was at mrkennychan’s place. the man settled all the food himself. yum!

doesnt the pic in the middle look like some ham or something? turns out to be some stuffing for the turkey. and we were happily chomping on it while mrkennychan was busy chopping the turkey up. lol.

while waiting for the food. camwhoring in progress!
some pics taken during the party. click to enlarge. ppl who attended in according to appearance: kenny, nad, shen, ariel, rach chong, colin chong, jenny, hanwei, desheng, loy, lester, selena, rach lum, jeff. thats all i think?

me + my pinky camera

pink nails + pink camera. lol.

nadnut + chester who kept barking away at us.
i remember it was 2001 when i started the tradition of a xmas dinner and till then, we faithfully kept the tradition going. just a simple gathering with some close friends, accompanied with good food, great fun and lotsa laughter. something which warms my heart every christmas.
i wonder if ill be able to attend the 2007 xmas dinner if things works out, maybe not. it would be weird celebrating xmas without this group of friends. and to be frank, ill miss most of them.
would i make the step for the next decision? frankly, im rather stucked right now. after some rather shocking news, i dont know if i should.
sigh. ill leave that for another entry. a protected one of course.
ill leave you with a cute pic for 4th january. i bought this cute cat calendar which shows a diff pic of a cat everyday! absolutely adorable! will be sharing them with you guys from time to time!

adorable kitty.
what shocking news??!!
what shocking news? botak jones is closing down?