remember the last time i kicked ass at risk? hohoho. i kicked ass again! this time with missy as my ally.
kennysia was in town and i volunteered to show him some ass. well at least kicking some ass. hohoho. i brought him to my favourite place: pitstopcafe and showed him some popular games. They have lots of games, kids games, adult games etc and for members, free games on Tuesday!
i rounded up tim, smith (kennysia’s super big fan), kenny, missy and myself for a round of kick ass!
the guy who said he’ll kick my ass at risk. hohoho.
as we were playing a different version of risk, tim gave a quick run thru to kenny.
colours on the board: black – nadnut, red – missy, blue – kennysia, yellow – tim, green – smith.
my soldiers waiting for my command.
i made this face when kenny tried to take a picture of me. stop distracting me!
girl power. 2 noobs at work.
my diplomat stressing kenny’s soldier.
camwhoring at work.
hohoho. be scared of my big gun!
giving me that cute face isnt gonna help you!
you know i mean business when i wear my geeky specs.
tim got kicked out during year one. hohoho. loser!
the next one booted out.
guess who used my camera to camwhore? tsk tsk tsk.
kick ass time.
the overall winners. girl power!
the world is ours!
group pic!
group pic with pitstop. whats with the red tees guys?
hohoho. who kicked one of the most famous bloggers ass at risk?!
video of kennysia teh-ing for mercy.
Walau, you take Kenny Sia to Pitstop but only offer me to KFC. So not fair one! *pouts*
wah got future version one ah…
yay, we kicked ass! woot!