if you were sharp enough, you would have guessed that the previous pic was taken in ikea. 🙂
the week before my exams, i decided to check out ikea tampines.

dressed down that day. afterall, was supposed to mug after ikea. so… nerdia appears again.

look what i’ve found? cowboycaleb‘s magic pony!

yes, i had fun horsing around. lol. bad pun!

a trip to ikea without trying the meatballs is a big nono!

look how happy i am!
i absolutely adore ikano’s swedish meatballs. anyone up for a trip to ikea tampines soon? need round 2 soon!
nadnut’s rating:
Ikano (Ikea Tampines)
60 Tampines North Drive 2
Singapore 528764
(t) 6786 6868 (f) 6786 6888
Wah, they gave so much meatballs per serving. Yummy….
er… i tried the meatballs before too but I dun think it very special leh… *scratch head*
aiyah. i cook for you later la.. i lugged back a 1kg pack from IKEA Alexandra earlier this week. 😛
wanna try jenny’s or try my homecooked ones?
They got give so many meatballs one ah. Don’t remember I had so many meatballs during the 2 occasions I was there. Either they generous when they saw u or they see my gong-gong face until they serve wrong. 🙂