
that thing about dunkin’ donuts…

imagine my surprise when my best friend jenny passed me a link. at first i thought it was a hoax (check out the addy, simi zlhub?!) but found out later after posting in the bar that it wasnt.

wah shiok! they deliver to bedok! at that time (now they modified the delivery system) they had a few different delivery points, one being bishan at 6.45pm (thats where i work!) and another being bedok at 5pm (that’s where i live!) among many other locations. deliveries were only on wednesdays and sundays and they were supposed to call 3 days in advance to confirm my order.

i made my order on 30th may for a sunday bedok delivery. no call on thursday or friday. i thought my orders werent accepted. then came saturday late afternoon. they called to confirm my orders, 1 box of half dozen donuts and 1 packet (consisting of 20) of bavarian munchkins. be at bedok control station at 5pm SHARP.

decided to be early just incase. arrived at bedok control station at 4.50pm.

waited and waited.

5pm came. no donuts. called the hotline. was told that delivery time was from 5pm – 5.15pm due to traffic what nots.

that wasnt highlighted in the phonecall. shit. shouldnt have came early.

waited and waited. tmd hot.

5.20pm. no sight of donuts. but the mrt station seemed very crowded that day.

5.25pm, i see 2 men carrying huge ass boxes and a crowd of about 20 – 30 ppl swarmed towards him. needless to say, i walked over.

saw him unpacking dunkin’ donuts. tmd a lot of people.

guy giving out donuts was sweating so much that he could fill up a cup of water with his sweat, he was dripping wet! eeeeeeeeeeeee.

finally my turn, guy looked at order sheet and reconfirmed my order and looked for the goods.

he picked up one box of donuts and looked at me for a while, stared at his partner and said to me ‘i left the munchkins at the shop’, with a blank expression without any apology or what. and just waited. WAIT FOR WHAT?! MUNCHKINS TO FALL FROM THE SKY?!

definitely not a smiley day.

pissed off nad told sweaty guy nicely (controlling my anger), ‘ok give me the box then.’.

sweaty guy placed dunkin’ donuts into a red pasar plastic bag and his sweat dripped onto the plastic bag. eeeee. took my money and just moved onto the next customer.


bad bad bad bad bad experience! bad bad bad bad service!

the guys werent even dressed in uniforms, were in plainclothes and they were sweating like mad! yikes! super unhygienic. they were super late and they didnt handle the crowd properly. i thought the least they could do when they had forgotten my orders were to give a simple apology. but no! not even a sorry. they didnt even smile or what, just give donuts and turned away. so much for customer service.

the donuts were good but i will not order from the delivery service anymore. not even a single apology when they missed out my order. isnt that the least they could do? apparently im not the only one whose orders were missed out. one girl beside me was told they didnt have her order. poor girl. and they called her yesterday to reconfirm her orders. like wtf?

i rather travel to jb to get my donuts in future.

nadnut’s rating:


*cough cough*

hell hath no fury like a woman blogger ‘scorned’. as word spreads about the lousy service, my friends and other bloggers are also spreading the word around.

check out cowboycaleb’s, kevin’s, kennysia’s, mooiness’s and jenny’s blogs. and yes, it has also spread to forums like the cowboybar, sgcollect, hardwarezone, battle of the box (bob?) and a parenting portal called idobaby. oh, just found out that i’ve been tomorrow-ed.

the person who tomorrow-ed me has a wicked sense of humour. super big pun sia. [but i’m nadnut not Nadnut :(] yes yes, spread the love baby.

bah. kennysia is such an arse. he sent me some pictures of krispy kreme donuts. with the subject as hehee. tmd. idiot sia!

tmd hehee!

luckily he didnt buy bavarian else i’ll have to kick his ass at risk again.

*grumbles* why isnt there a krispy kreme outlet in perth?!?

30 thoughts on “that thing about dunkin’ donuts…”

  1. hey, i heard maybe the dunkin donuts might be setting up stores in Singapore soon. but not confirmed yet..

    hope by then, we will satisfy out cravings by then 😛

    if not. go jb also good enough. hee

    nadnut: i doubt there will be a franchaise in singapore though. 


  2. Bad logistical and operational planning…

    sidenote: I want krispy kreme!!!!! and I miss mr donut!!!

    nadnut: yeah i want krispy kreme tooooo! 


  3. oh no, and i almost wanted to place an order with them too!

    no dunkin donuts for me then. sheesh.

    what lousy customer service!

    nadnut: lousy customer service + super unhygienic.


  4. i dowan dunkin ! i wan krispy kreme !

    nadnut: lol. i have never tried krispy kreme! is it that good?


  5. When I saw the website, I have a feeling that they are not 100% affiliated with Dunkin Donuts. Rather they are normal people like you and me, who take orders via the web, then fax the order to the shop in JB, and then go collect it, and finally deliver it in SG.

    That would explain the lack of courtesy, uniforms and all round professionalism.

    Look on the bright side, at least his sweat did not drip onto your donuts. Now that would have really RUINED your day. 🙂

    nadnut: if his sweat had dripped onto my donuts, i\’ll be sure to kick his ass. grrr. 


  6. Nadnut, what would happen if I offered to ship Krispy Kreme in sealed containers to Singapore for a premium price? I think I\’d make a killing! 😛

    nadnut: i would either start stalking you or start worshipping u. :P 


  7. nothing beats krispy kreme la! that\’s the dope shit. 🙂

    nadnut: wth is a dope shit? is that the lingo you youngsters are using now? drug shit? 


  8. didn\\\’t you give your cat some of it?

    nadnut: nope! i dont give them sugary stuff to eat. not good for them. 🙂


  9. my dog enjoyed it very much.

    nadnut: i hope you didnt give your dog the chocolatey ones. lol! 


  10. That sure is bad customer service. Just make sure you don’t get sugar OD when you eat Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kreme, or else we’ll have a hyper-active Nadnut on our hands. 😀


    anw i searched KK website n it says it has no more plans to expand in aust how CRIMINAL is that?! the only city in aust to have KK is sydney… freakin sydney lah…=.=


  12. Ive ordered from the delivery service plenty of times and the service has always been impeccable to me thus far. the people called me the day before to confirm orders, the delivery guy (@bedok) had been punctual and polite and they even sms you half an hour before the delivery time to remind you and thank you. its quite amusing.

    even when i could not collect my order at cityhall, they brought my donuts over to bishan where a friend collected it for me. maybe it\\\’s just me. maybe ive always gotten good service from them because ive always been nice/polite to them as well (phone guy, delivery guy) etc..

    wont stop me from ordering from em anytime soon. who cares about bad service, its donuts. at least i dun have to go jb to get it and now i hear they tax all the food items u bring in across the causeway so good luck to all those ppl out there, man.

    nadnut: its great that you have been receiving good service so far but it seems that you are one of the few. in flowerpod, there has been many complains about their service, obviously i am not the only one. incase you got it wrong, i was polite and nice to the phone guy so your remark about being nice = getting good service proves wrong in this case.

    and as mentioned in my review, i did mention the donuts are good. though very unhygienic with sweat dripping everywhere. its a pity that they did not even bother to sms/call me before delivery or any of the other flowerpod ppl who ordered too. infact, you seem to be the first to be sms-ed. interesting.

    postnote: interesting. i tried to reply to this email directly but it states that there is no such mailbox. friend of dunkin\’ donuts singapore commenting? nice try.


  13. Krispy Kreme?

    Take a look at this

    A new store just opened near where I live. And I only had two since the beginning of the year. Hehehe.

    Try printing out the pictures, burn the printouts, mix the ashes in water and drink up. It tastes exactly like the real thing.

    I always bring home a tall stack of KrispyKreme boxes for friends whenever I fly back to Singapore. Still, what’s the fascination? One Krispy Kreme contains almost the same amount of calories as a pack of fries.

    A moment on the lips, forever in your thighs. Not worth it.


  14. Pls let me know, wether is there any outlets in Singapore. Such a long time never eat! Craving for Donuts 🙂 thanks *wINk*


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