a few days ago.. some of us trooped to jb… we checked into a nice resort located in the middle of nowhere. (well. somewhere if u drive tat is)
the rooms or suites to be exact were huge. they had 2 king size beds each. and they were dirt cheap.
so the first day, most of us lazed around, shopped and slept like pigs.
cut the story short. next day was cowboy’s wedding. off we trooped (like obedient lil ducklings) to the church wedding.
bubbles were blown, tears were shed, photos were taken and songs (or was it hymns?) were sung. the wedding bouquet fell and picked up.

it was really sweet. and they were a really sweet couple. i couldnt help giggling when i saw cowboy smiling his trademark grin.
its always a happy affair seeing couples getting married. awwwwww.
later that night, cowboy had his wedding dinner at the ballroom. nice view…

cowboy looked (a lil bit) like a waitor with his suit. a very handsome waitor. the bride looked great. like a princess.

boobs and legs were molested. cowboy and bride played many games and cowboy had to drink many concoctions.

once again, thanks cowboy for inviting me to ur wedding. and to a blessed marriage to you and your dearest beloved. and to many little cowboy juniors!!!!
Ayyyy….u dress here is nicer than the one u tried on at Daniel Yam! very pretty! U could have been one of the bridemaids!
nadnut: thanks!
WAH You know XX! Man! I love that woman’s style. INTRO LEH. lol.