
that thing about couples…

sometimes i feel that when people get attached, we tend to lose a friend.

why? some people when attached, do not even bother about their “old” friends anymore. everyday they go out with their significant other and do not even make a point to attend gatherings or outings with friends.

why? why do we lose a friend? why cant we gain another friend instead?

i have friends who totally disappears when they get attached. no one remembers me/us anymore. everytime when we call them out, your always busy. or you’ll say you will attend and at the very last minute, you can’t make it. sometimes they dont even bother to call to say that they wont be able to attend.

what am i to you? your friend when your single? when your attached, i’m invisible?

and when your single and have no friends around them, who welcomes you with open arms? who was there when you needed someone? even when you didnt bother about us, we bothered about you.

they will always say they learnt it the hard way when they were single. that they will learn to treasure their friends and will not be the same way when they get attached again.

and guess what? its the same old you again.

it’s not that we didnt bother, we did. but when we did, what do we get? everyone knows you wont attend. everyone knows you’ll show the same ‘pattern’.

would you ever learn?

if your no longer with him/her, think about it. how many friends you have left? we are always here but you are never there.

i understand couples need to spend time together. but is asking for a dinner once a fortnight is too much? i’m not asking them to stay apart the whole bloody weekend!

and… i wonder, why i even bother.

13 thoughts on “that thing about couples…”

  1. Its kind of weird.I cannot explain too.
    But some friends are great , when they are attached.Its true that they are busier but they will bother to ‘compensate’ the time ‘lost’ fairly. 🙂

    nadnut: some bother and some dont…


  2. the reason why you bother, is because you are a better friend than that person. you care abt your friends and do your best to keep in touch. 🙂

    i’ll be the first to admit that i don’t keep in contact with the rest of my friends. but if they wanna meet up, i’ll try my best to meet up with them too. :p

    nadnut: maybe one day i wont bother anymore. when enough is enough. 


  3. I have friends like that. After trying for a few times, I’ll simply ignore them after that. Because I think people have better things to do then boether with “friends” who don’t give a damn. I feinitely know I do.

    nadnut: i think i wont bother soon, too. 


  4. We might lose old friend recently when we disbanded ourselves since everyone was too busy. I happened to meet my friends again and intended to keep in touch. It would be good for us to organize the gatherings like dinner or lunch talks, etc. It is so nice to treasure & cherish our wonderful moments that we had shared. Believe your friends will come back to you one day whenever they are free. We are still there to ‘care’ for you whatever difficulties you face. Dun worry. Be happy! 😉

    nadnut: yeah. they’ll return when they need you. else they wont bother.


  5. oh well. i did make that silly mistake when I was younger. when i lost him, my friends din give up on me and i told myself never ever to do that again. all i can say is, I have never repeated that mistake again. 🙂 She will learn it one day.

    nadnut: i hope they will. 


  6. i agree. sigh, most of my friends are attached and the singles are out on dates or busy with work but i’ll live. *hugs*

    nadnut: attached peeps like me get lonely too. :( 


  7. I have that sort of friends too. *SIGH*

    I don’t get it.. it’s not like we ostracise their spouses, they can just bring them along at the gatherings wat!

    nadnut: they like to be in their own couple world. alone. 


  8. If I ever get a gf, I’ll make sure she likes to mingle with my friends & I’ll do my best to mix around with hers.

    nadnut: u go kingmeng! 


  9. i lost a friend because of her being attached


    the time i wanted to be with her around was lost when he was always brought along for ALL outings.

    it’s hard to strike a balance but at least i feel that friendships need effort to substain

    nadnut: yeap. some friends lose their identity and their friends when they get attached. its very sad… 


  10. that sounds so blooody familiar.

    nadnut: i guess all of us have a ‘friend’ like this, aye? 


  11. nice post man. this is something I’ve been ranting about since dunnowhen, took the words right outta my mouth ;p

    tend to ignore ppl lidat nowadays, put me energy to better use elsewhere bleh.

    nadnut: aye. shall do the same when i get too tired to bother anymore. 


  12. My dear nad,

    u’re making me feel guilty!! i know how u’re feeling, but i guess diff ppl have diff ways of showing care and concern. And perhaps he’s simply having probs trying to juggle his love life and friends. I can tell u though, he does care..just tt he doesnt show it as often as b4.

    nadnut: his own choice then. 


  13. *hugs*

    Attached ppl are busy with their other halves, singles are busy with dates….

    Only the select few friends would really make the time. Don’t worry Nad, some of them will make the time for you

    nadnut: well, we now know who are the friends who’ll be there for you, aye?


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