firstly, thanks for all the well-wishes and get well soons =)
migraine still killing me. i promised a certain naggy mrkennychan that if the migraine doesnt get well by thursday, i’ll go seek a second opinion.
men these days getting naggy sia. *cough*
and today…..
i received an email from HR!
Hi Nadia,
You will be reaching 6 months’ service on 1 December 2005.
VP, HR Mrs XXXXXXXX would like to meet up with you for a chit chat session.
May I know whether you are available on this Friday 11 Nov at 3.30pm?
this sounds serious! damn! is there something wrong with my confirmation? or did they found out that i have been blogging at work? feel that my work is unsatisfactory? argh! or maybe they think i have been taking too many MCs?
hmmm. or skali got additional dough from confirmation! but i doubt so. they did tell me starting pay is the same as confirmation pay.
maybe i should find my contract and study it again.
this sounds scary!!!!! what if… they dont want me?!?!?! ARGH!!!!!!! *paranoia sinks in*
skali is they find out u been online surfing too much….haaa…they ask u what is “cowboybar” ? Haaa
hey, at least they even bother to send u an email u see…
if my employers(slavedrivers so as to speak) would to send me emails like this, i’ll tell them to fire me. =)
For now, that is. wahha.. =)
9> bleah.
cow> lol. i wanna stay in my company thank u.
Don’t worry lah….you got my support, even when u get sacked.
km> tmd. dont say the ‘sacked’ word!
all the guys so horrible.
I wish u the best lah. They jus wanna know how u feel abt the company I guess.
maybe check out whether it is the company policy for new employees.
dun worry too much
frenie> hopefully. thanks babe!