here i am, at jenny’s place again.
needless to say, went clubbing yesterday and got quite “intoxicated”. its becoming a rather bad habit. go club, drink lots of liquor, smoke a pack of ciggs, get “high”, dancedancedance and crawl back home.
got rather emo after drinking… still thinking of the past... i’m such a wuss.
no man, no cry.
does liquor make us emo? hahahaaa. oh well. im supposed to be “detox-ing” this week but it seems that im doing more damage to my system.
i have been drinking and smoking too much.
and it has to stop now (or at least cut down lah).
lets have some good clean fun now!
stay at home, watch tv.
good, clean fun.
don’t worry. next time u want to drink, tell me.
I’ll drink everything for u.
Just promise u don’t make drunken steak out of me. =)
brennan> yeah roh!
cow> drunken steak sounds interesting!
eh no drunken steak for u pls…
besides, who won’t mind drinking for others anyway… =)
cow> hahahaa. true true!
good clean fun!!! yayyy!!!
Liquor sure does make people high and do silly things. But it also makes people very sleepy. That’s how girls get raped.
akk> yay!
michael chua> true. im pretty active when drunk though. i kick and scratch. lol