a few weeks ago (apologies for the delay), i went to barffie’s place to have a look at her pussy. i meant pussies.
me in the cab
my face is getting rounder and rounder. grr. i love my name necklace!
outfit of the day. zara tube dress with charles and keith slippers. comfy!
look! who’s that?
it’s cookie!
somebody was thinking of adopting her kittycat mocha but in the end couldnt.
when i heard barf called her kitty cookie, i knew i just had to see her! (that’s because tiger and some friends call me cookie. :P)
cookie playing with cookie!
we had a fine time playing with her kitties. i felt cookie was cute and endearing, latte had a fine attitude which i love (you no touch me, i touch you), she acts tao but she’s actually quite affectionate and mocha was naughty and silly.
cookie looking sexaaaay.
latte with some fine attitude. watcha looking at biatch?!
latte jumped ontop of the fridge. amazing!
barffie’s and naiveguy’s other pets. labbits and chinchillas! the chinchillas looks grumpy. hohoho.
here’s what mocha thinks of you. eck!
so small and cute!
pretty! she has oodles of energy. was running around like mad! i miss having a kitten.
i love their decor!
self-taken cookies pics.
i love this pic!
barf took these pics. cookie wanna smack nadnut!
hee. so cute!
after molesting her cats, the four of us headed to hog’s breathe for lunch. pics and review will be up in another post.
a pic of moi with shrek ears. lol!
Super cute pictures!!! You and the pussies, both!
i lub pussies…:P
Mocha is called Muffin now.
Damn you look hot with the little dress.I think u look very sexy and hot.love your blog.
stop squeezing the cats to death.
Hi Nad,
you changed your p/w? the last one that you gave me didnt work…
nice post.
Oh my goodness. I love you cookie the cat. I love you … I love … sigh