the day started really badly. i had a throbbing migraine yesterday and decided to sleep it off. this morning i woke up feeling feverish, nauseous, dizzy and body aches. i felt super hot and yet there was this chill in the bones.
we scrapped our plans for a pretty picnic and decided to make a short trip to chinatown instead. tiger cooked super delicious meatballs. however, i could only take one. absolutely no appetite. i popped two more panadols but there was no improvement. infact i felt even more feverish to the point i could faint any moment.
cut the trip short and make a quick visit to dominos (must eat pizza here!). i couldnt take it there. was feeling feverish and yet cold. weird feeling.

concussed as soon as i got home. i kept getting tummy upsets and felt like vomitting. i guess its stomach flu? could only take a bit of pizza unfortunately i felt so sick that it tasted like rubber.
and yet, what goes in must come out. i leave you to your imagination. i feel like i wasted today only went out for 2 hours plus and half the time was used travelling.
i have not bought all souveniors. looks like tomorrow will be the final dash to get everything i need. and hopefully i will have recovered by then. popped another 2 more panadols. seems to have no effect.
bah. this sucks.
gal, get tiger to get nurofen for you. Its ibuprofen. Probably that would work for you there.
Hey, feeling okie? Take care wor..