Its horrible! The cat is taking over MY position in the family.
My mum said good night to the cat and NOT to me! She practically ignored me!
He chewed my bread thru the plastic and didn’t get a scolding from the parental units! when i smacked him on the bum, I got a scolding instead. wtf.
I can’t believe I’m being upstaged by an irritating animal that does nothing but pee everywhere. WTF?!
but you still love the cat lots
wahahahah he really looks super grumpy!!
cats are evil-cute. you’ll develop a love/hate relationship for them if you haven’t already
Your cat looks firece. I’m so scared. Meow*
you look really pretty when you smile like this
aww your cat is so cute but looks so grumpy here! :p but pets have such a way of making people go soft on them.. haha!
& i absolutely love your make up here!