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Please support my friends’ shops!

[Plug] First would be Xsquad! Isaac invited me and other bloggers like Jayden, Typicalben, Esther to Ark’s shop opening! Lotsa nice stuff for the guys! With Jayden. With Typicalben and Isaac. Established in July 2009, XSQUAD positions itself as the foremost Asian Street wear retail and style hub. It’s retail and business model is built …

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Retail therapy rocks my socks.

Today, I’ll be introducing 3 blog shops for your kind consideration! First up would be Clothes Bakery! (Click to enlarge) Clothes Bakery will be launching their 12th Collection at 9pm tonight! Collection 12, is evenly divided into casual wear and chic office wear, so theres something for everyone! I’m totally lemming for the Vintage stud …

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