Once again, I am extremely tardy with my updates. It’s been a while since my last update but with two kids, it’s tough to find time at the computer. It’s so much easier to update on the phone, on the go. Maybe I need to find a better way to update my blog on the …
Tag: baby davina
Updates about the kiddos
I am guilty again for lack of updates! Oops. Here are the updates about the kiddos and milestones for the past 3 months Aidan’s milestones from 27 – 29 months old While Aidan still continues to take breastmilk, I have swopped from latching to expressing milk for him. Tried tandem but it didn’t work …
Aidan and Davina’s monthly milestones
I have to admit, I have been extremely tardy with updating on the milestones. It’s been so hectic and i hardly have the time to sit at the computer especially with Davina needing my attention always. I only have time on my mobile these days and even those time, is very limited. The panda period …
Suffering from nursing aversion
As some of you guys may know, I am a full on hardcore breastfeeding enthusiast. For myself that is. I fell in love with breastfeeding once my supply regulated and Aidan had found a good latching position. Needless to say, I was pretty determined to continue breastfeeding for #2. When I found out I was …