thanks for all the comments! i found out that i have a schoolmate who has been reading me and has never commented! (yes, herman, i’m talking about you!)
last week, it has been a recuperating week for me. meeting up with close friends that i have neglected for the past few months due to the massive number of events that i’ve been handling for the past 3 months.
and i finally managed to eat steamboat! something that i have been craving for.. yum.

the topic of further education came up during dinner. as always, after talking about further education, im always left feeling sad. oh well. any sponsors?
it was fun watching my friends. despite us always having busy schedules and always unable to have an outing with full attendance, it just warms my heart seeing these people at times. (though at times i wanna strangle them!)
jack was being silly by doing his tepanyaki chef thingy while we girls were gossipping as usual.
cant wait for friday’s clubbing session!
i totally love steamboat and bbq. i know its unhealthy, oily, smelly and fattening but its damn delish to me. heh.
the next day, i met umb for a steak session! where? shaslik as usual.

umb had a russian coffee. i didnt know they made coffee that way. o.O
i had my usuals. garlic steak and peach melba. i’m a creature of habit. no matter how often i eat at shaslik, i never get sick of the food there.
thanks umb for the belated birthday treat! it was great meeting up with him too cause he has been soooo busy that i have not met him for sooooooooooo long. we must do this more often!
sinful week. great company.
*slurps @ the steak pics*
Damm makes me hungry……also did u have to name me???
What did I do wrong?? I’m just lazy to click the “submit comment” button that’s all.
nadnut: for being lazy, u have to be named!
I want steamboat + bbq too! Sigh. You are making my stomach growl early in the morning.
nadnut: hahahaaa. good good!
Food food food…
nadnut: aye aye.
Great yummy!
nadnut: yeap! i <3 foooood!
haha. your evil steak ways have no effect on me! (not at the moment anyway) because they have extremely wonderful and sinful food here! mmmmmmm..*snorts at singaporean excuse for food* haha. wish you were here. no eating khakis leh. =(
nadnut: hahaha. beggers cant be choosers aye? awwwwwwwww. see la! who ask u not to sponsor my airticket!
isn’t that steamboat place called Seoul Garden? only eaten there once though. i’m not really a buffet person. :p
nadnut: yeap! seoul garden!
*slurp slurp* *drools*
i’ve been eating a lot too!!! I J.U.S.T L.O.V.E F.O.O.D
nadnut: do i hear a makan kaki?
any place where steamboat is cheap n has lots of variety of food?
went to 天天ç«é”… but its expensive n offers limitted food selection only..
marina south still the best @12 n alot of food
nadnut: what’s this: 天天ç«é”…? sorry i dun read chinese. yeah, i prefer marina south but food aint clean sometimes…
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