Remember my entry yesterday? I had interviewed one of the five contestants: Mr Peh Hock Peng or more commonly known as Michael.
We were also given a chance to vote for who we think would win the million bucks. A lucky voter would win 500 Changi Dollar Vouchers for him/herself too! The first 300 to register will also get an Angry Bird plushie! Not only that, there were candy floss and popcorn for everyone! And at the end of the event, a yummy reception for everyone to enjoy!
Sylistic voted for Kenny here!
I also had the pleasure to meet Michael’s wife and kids. His wife is really friendly and the kids were excitedly cheering Michael on.
Together with the other bloggers, we arrived earlier to take a look at the place and to chope a good place to take pictures. :p We began with the lovely introduction of the emcees for the day: Daniel Ong and Peifen!
They introduced the finalists who all had their names customised on the Changi Millonaire polo tees. They first started with a fun activity which was a “Dress up the mannequin” activity.
All finalists had to dress up the mannequins with the items. The male finalists had some problem doing this, I guess if it were to remove the outfits, they would fare much better. LOL.
Luckily this was a non-elimination round. Else poor Kenny and Michael might have been eliminated :p
The next round began with a little dance performance by 10 lovely dancers.
The finalists were supposed to pick the lucky top hat where only 4 out of 10 would have a pink star. Choosing the lucky hat would ensure the finalist’s placement in the next round.
For the third round, the finalists were to choose the blocks (looks like Jenga yeah?).
In the end Sun Ming and Michael were the lucky two who moved to the final round!
The final round was where both Sun Ming and Michael had to spin the wheel. This is where they’ll obtain a key to open the door of the number indicated. There were a total of 6 doors and only one of them would open the door to a million bucks! As you can tell, this is mainly based on luck, really heng suay!
Sun Ming went first and obtain the key for door number 3. At this time, my heart was beating really fast! All of us were extremely excited and really caught up in the moment!
When Sun Ming opened the door and it wasn’t the million bucks door, all of us awww in disappointment.
It was then Michael’s turn. He spun and got door number 1. And before he opened it, I swear that the tension and anticipation was so thick and everyone held their breath.
Congratulations to the Pehs!!!
The moment when they announced Michael as the winner, I myself was jumping up and down cheering too! I think I speak on behalf of all of the Changi Millionaire bloggers, we all felt really connected to our finalists. I personally am really happy that Michael won! And receiving a nice thank you message from Michael and his wife Sonia about my writeup on him really made me feel really happy.
Congratulations once again! I interviewed Michael after that and asked him how he felt about winning and the overall experience, he replied that he was excited and he never thought he would have won. But most of all, he couldn’t wait to spend time with his family.
I can’t think of a more deserving winner.
Last but not least, a picture with a millionaire! First time taking a picture with one
Thank you Changi Airport for giving me the opportunity to work on this project