because i think you have an interesting personality; because you are real;(not afraid to show your err… not so six packs tummy)
and yes, you have rainbow, clouds and blue sky……
hi! i’ve found your blog while i was looking for some french manicure examples..and now i think i’ll come often to read you: you’re nice & funny!
kisses from italy!
Because your blog is an interesting read.
Because it allows me a glimpse into the life of a 20-something woman living in Singapore.
because you are my dear friend!
becos you have rainbow on your blog but you are not gay
because i pay homage to NOT get my boobs groped/pinched/scratched/*insert other painful words here*!!!
cos you have interesting titles for yr posts on innit (:
because i think you have an interesting personality; because you are real;(not afraid to show your err… not so six packs tummy)
and yes, you have rainbow, clouds and blue sky……
because youre sexy! heehee and because i get to see life in the land of awesome clothes mmm and donuts mmm
to see whose moobs you’ve groped. hur hur.
well…don’t know actually =P
Because of your accessories.
becos I’m KPO by nature. =)
Because you like my cupcakes
i don’t know why too ? but i love reading your post that’s all
Because you are super pretty!!! :p
cos i like loh. simple… need reason de meh?
i admire your story frankly.
cos its nice to know what a friend is up to when everyone is so busy in this crazy world!
1) Because I know you personally.
2) Because you are my #$%%^^ MUAHAHAHA.
3) Because I love you!
Because i am your stacker!! hahaha … *muacks
Typo… it should be STALKER !!! LOL*
hi! i’ve found your blog while i was looking for some french manicure examples..and now i think i’ll come often to read you: you’re nice & funny!
kisses from italy!
its been some time since i followed your blog. its an easy and refreshing read compared to the heavy stuff i have to read at work.
Really relaxing to read your blog at work.. and i like reading blogs that has many pictures for days when i totally dun feel like reading at all.
yr post on the race issue was very interesting. and the pictures are fabulous. couldnt ask for more =p