As you guys may know, I struggled with being obese and managed to shed some weight after changing my diet and lifestyle.
Unfortunately, after my ROM, I managed to put on some weight. About 3kg currently. This is due to a number of factors: I cut down on running, I started being slack on my diet and well, I have been traveling and been eating way too much.
So much for Carpe Diem. The two worktrips to Korea and USA escalated my weight drastically.
With my sessions at Phillip Wain coming to an end and with my knees starting to hurt a bit, I decided to take up another sport! I will still be running occasionally as afterall I LOVE running but won’t be as much as previously. I used to run 5 times a week and honestly, it has taken a toil on my knees. I have been taking glucosamine for more than a year now and it’s much better. I still intend to run at least once a week but this time, I decided to take up something else.
The kind Elaine invited me alongside other bloggers for a trial class at Updog Studios at Grandstand.
All smiles before the lesson.
Before I started the class, I always thought that Yoga was mainly a stretch here stretch there exercise. I never thought that one would well break into a good sweat or feel a full body workout from Yoga which was why I was such a firm believer in my cardio: Running.
Take a look at the video that Elaine and her hubby did.
Updog Studio Grandstand Experience from ChrisFilms on Vimeo.
I sweat more than a run. Seriously. And my body felt stretched and pulled in every way. The next day, I felt beaten and torn. My whole body was in pain. Which proved a point. Yoga is not a slacker activity. It’s a full body workout.
And I was sold.
The kind folks at Updog Studio offered me a 6 months sponsorship. Perfect for me to tone up by my wedding dinner. Needless to say, I roped by fitness kaki: BFF Jacelyn along!
I work out now at the Big Splash outlet. I just started and have visited the place 3 times this week.
The women’s changing area has ample towels, hair dryers etc
Lockers to put our barang barang
Shower and changing room facilities
They also sell awesome workout gear. I NEED MORE YOGA GEAR!
This is us after a session of Hatha Yoga.
We really felt good! Am still a noob as compared to my pals! Don’t worry if you have never tried yoga before, there are classes for beginners like Hatha, Hot 26, Hot Hatha etc
Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll answer them in my next Yoga post! In the meantime, do come down for a trial lesson!
You can visit either the Big Splash location or Grandstand location. Simply quote ‘nadnut’ for a free trial lesson (valid till end October 2013). Also, when you quote ‘nadnut‘ when signing up for any classes, you’ll get this lovely waterbottle free AND a free class!
Remember to quote my nick to enjoy these promotions!
Check out Updog Studio at:
Instagram: @updogstudio
Big Splash address:
902 East Coast Parkway, Block B
#02-05A Big Splash
Singapore 449874
Grandstand address:
200 Turf Club Road
(Take Lift 6 on South side)
#05-03/04 The Grandstand
Singapore 287994
Comment with your questions now!
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