from escaping from the enemies and trying to evade the grenades.
i am in a mood so foul that i am practically scowling the whole day. (when i’m not talking to anyone)
wrongly accused for misplacing something when i did not. idiotic sarcastic and unhelpful people. people who only help themselves.
its thru this, i see people’s true colours. tmd. BLACK AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have to do an airhole moment.
*breathes in*
FUCK YOU AND FUCK ALL YOUR ATTITUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR BACKSTABBING WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR FUCKING TAI-CHI WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FUCK YOU AND FUCK ALL YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*breathes out*
much better. bloody assholes. *mutters curse on their family descendents*
forgive me as i rant. else ill go mad and stab everyone here. *continues to mutters curse on their genital areas*
A small gal with big words huh……try reading the book happiness now by andrew matthew……some parts works for me…..
nadnut: tmd. small girl kena bullied lor! read before lah. if people are nice, the world would be much better..
Time to kill some mushrooms in MapleStory…
nadnut: yeah. killing them already.
nadnut: thanks <3.
this is ensui to nadnut. pls confirm location of enemies. cruise missiles from oz are ready and on standby.
nadnut: lol! will msg u secretly on location of enemies.
In chinese…..
nadnut: lao niang speak no chinese. what’s that?
here you go.
*hands over voodoo dolls with blank name tags, pins included*
nadnut: horhorhor. next time i meet u, pass me the dolls!
it’ll be over soon! =)
nadnut: yes! very soon!
Fwah! So many exclamation marks.
nadnut: and many more to come.