Friends Life and Fun Outings Pictures Reviews

My surprise birthday celebration by the girls!

Singapore Lifestyle Blog, nadnut

What happened was Sabrina had “choped” me a few days prior to my birthday. I had guessed something was up and I was right! :p

Well partially! Didn’t anticipate the evening portion. Hurhur.

Sabrina and Cel had picked me up from my place in her lil snowflake. She had told me we were heading to Rider’s Cafe. Imagine my surprise when we arrived elsewhere!

My outfit of the day: Dress and bag from TheBlogShop, wedges from Charles & Keith and belt from Bkk.

When we arrived, we parked beside a vintage Volkswagen Beetle (my dream car!). I thought that she arranged for  me to drive a vintage beetle! My (hopeful) dreams were shattered when Sab said “wait long long”.


And turned out, we were heading to Hatched instead! Ching Chong Boy and I had discussed about Hatched previously before while looking for brunch places and I was EGGcited!

If you are an EGGY fan, you’ll love Hatched!

On a side note, I didn’t know that the cute characters here were designed by Sheryo! She also made those cool Soyjoy plushies!

Here’s what we ordered! PIC SPAM!

All these for only $100! Damn worth it!

The girls presented me with my birthday prezzie!

A limited edition Absolut Vodka rainbow casing!

Thanks girls! <3 it!

After that, Jacelyn and Esther had to head off. Cel, Sab, Fidel and I headed to Carl’s Junior at Big Splash to play monopoly deal and “waste time!”.

I camwhored with Sab’s iPad.. love it! Sibeh gian now!

My blog looks great on her iPad!:p

Here comes the biggest surprise! I thought we were heading for dinner. (Which Sab refused to say where and I sneakily found out later). Turns out we were headed to The Garden Slug.

She dumped me there!

Hahahha she had arranged with Ching Chong Boy and he was there waiting for me! We had a sweet dinner for two. Sab had even arranged for a nice bottle of Moscato for us. <3

Thanks girls, boyfriend and most of all Sabrina for arranging everything! I had a fab birthday celebration thanks to you guys! <3 *MUACKZ*

Pics credit: Sabrina, Jacelyn, Esther and meself! :p

12 thoughts on “My surprise birthday celebration by the girls!”

  1. Oh, u removed the photo of your friend who was driving and using handphone at the same time!!! Do u know it’s wrong to drive and use the handphone at the same time? It will endanger the other cars on the road and the pedestrians!! Have you guys thought of that?


    nadnut Reply:

    We were actually in the carpark, about to move out.


  2. It looked like a fabulous birthday. =o) We’re both Pieces.

    You look so darling!


    nadnut Reply:

    Thanks! 🙂 I’m actually an Aquarius, heh but blogged this late. happy belated bday to you!


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