Part 3 of My life in pictures! Part 1 here, part 2 here!
Am “cooling down” on my hardcore exercise and diet. Am quite satisfied with the current weightloss. Time for maintenance and toning!

4th update coming soon! On a side note, am looking at buying a new point & shoot camera. Any recommendations?
hi nadia! ive been trying to lose weight too! can you give me some examples of how ur daily meal is like? ive been trying hard to replace carbs(eg bread and rice) with other food..esp for breakfast.. any recommendations as to what to eat? thanks so much! uve lost SO much weight!!
nadnut Reply:
June 18th, 2012 at 10:00 am
Hihi, sure! Will share soon
Neighbour, you are looking for Powershot or DSLR? If you are going for Canon, they have a show room and you can try out all their cameras(they don’t sell so you have to compare price elsewhere) before you decide to purchase.
Canon LiNK@VivoCity
1 HarbourFront Walk
#02-32/33 VivoCity
nadnut Reply:
June 18th, 2012 at 10:01 am
I bought the S100 in the end!
Canon S100. I love the creamy colours!
nadnut Reply:
June 18th, 2012 at 10:01 am
thanks for the recommendation babe! I bought it!