The boyfriend came to pick me up. He met me at the lift with a bouquet of flowers.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the bouquet but the first thing that I thought of was not of how he managed to buy flowers in my fave colour (most ex-es buy dark red roses for me) but how the hell are we gonna ride his bike with the flowers?!
Then I saw the keys he was waving at me.
He had rented a car for me!!! Because I had just passed my license not too long ago, I was always wanting to drive. I really enjoyed driving and he knew it. :p
I joked with him that I had to drive for him on my birthday. Hurhur.
I then had to head back up to change my shoes (I only wear flats when I drive and I think it’s extremely unhygienic to drive barefooted when it isn’t one’s car) and pick up my specs (Yours truly has astig).
Outfit of the day: Sweet blue dress with white hearts from TheBlogShop and Novo jellies.
I opened the boot of the car and found a pretty paper bag waiting for me!
Yeehah! The boy bought me a Coach bag! Super unexpected!
I think the bag is a hint for me to stop carrying small bags. My friends always describe me as the smallest in the group with the biggest bag. *blush*
Ching Chong Boy told me I could drive anywhere I wanted to. And I decided to head to Hatched despite going there a few days ago with the girls!
Yum yums! I really really love Hatched. Hoping to head down soon!
Eggylicious meals! The place was empty because it was a Tuesday! We had the whole place to ourselves.
We then drove to Ching Chong Boy’s place.
Wahahaha. I looked so serious driving!
Posing for a quick pic at the traffic light. The boy said I was so tensed driving. I refused to take my hands off the wheels even during times where we stopped at traffic lights.
Hurhur. Must be ready mah. :X
First time heading to the boyfriend’s place. Bainian at his place as it was just a few days after Chinese New Year.
Was a bit nervous but all went well. heh!
We then drove to Hippopotamus for dinner.
It was quite hilarious. I had walked around Marina Square with Renhao a few weeks earlier and had pointed out Hippopotamus and said I had wanted to bring Ching Chong Boy there. Turns out the boyfriend was a step quicker than me!
Some pics of the makan!
After the yummy dinner, we decided to meet up with Nick and Robin at Robin’s place to play mahjong! I think the boy probably had other plans but I was super gian for mahjong :p
The boyfriend drove instead as we weren’t sure how to head to Robin’s very the ulu place.
Another pic of geeky old meh.
And pics of the 3 lovely guys who accommodated me to play mahjong with this laoniang.
Nick, my “bro”.
Robin, the student who cons your money when playing mahjong and poker with him!
And of course, my baby.
Thanks guys for the mahjong session!
I had so much fun all because of my sweet ching chong boy. Thanks baby for planning everything! *muacks*
Happy belated bday to u~ I’m really shocked when I just knew you’re 27th this yr! You look young
nadnut Reply:
April 5th, 2011 at 12:19 pm
Hehehe. Thanks! You just made my day!
Hey Happy Birthday! Your BF is so sweet to have planned everything!
nadnut Reply:
April 5th, 2011 at 12:19 pm
Thanks dear!
Next time you drive, may I suggest you lower the steering wheel. It looks too high for you and your arms may tire as a result.
There is a lever below and behind the steering wheel for you to release the lock that would allow you to adjust the height freely before you push it back into lock position.
nadnut Reply:
April 6th, 2011 at 12:12 am
Okies! Thanks for the tip Jaypa!
So sweet … happy belated birthday!
nadnut Reply:
April 6th, 2011 at 5:19 pm
Thanks rinaz!
where did u bought ur spec very nice n unique