Chapter 24 is one of my most favourite chapters as it has eyeliners in it! Those who know me well, would know that I can’t do without eyeliner. You can take away my mascara, my eyeshadow or even my foundation.. but please leave me my eyeliner!
I’ve been using eyeliner since 2004. Way before my peers, or my friends started using it. I experimented with it and fell in love with it.
While I have made a few mistakes from using eyeliners back then, (remember those ghastly super thick eyeliners), I am happy that I experimented. It’s all about finding out what works for you.
Seriously, one of my favourite liquid eyeliners from MJ. I’m not saying this just because I’m a MJ ambassador. I don’t see a need to bullshit you. But you should try it and you’ll understand why I say so.
I’m just wishing that MJ would come up with gel liners soon. *waitssss*
So what’s so different about this new-but-not-so-new eyeliner?
I don’t know about you but I always have had difficulties using coloured liners. I’ve experimented with grey, brown, gold, silver, white before but I couldn’t try red or green for the life of me. I felt that it was a bit getai looking imho.
But now I can try most colours confidently!
That’s because the Perfect Automatic Liner has a black base which makes the colour subtle but not over the top. It even has a hint of glitter to it!
Just take a look for yourself! Comparing MJ’s previous red liner to the new revamped red liner (left) (called Garnet Black).
Basically the black base and glittery coloured pearls draws a precise line with a tinge of color subtle shimmery pearlescence! Bold black with subtle color and glitter. Very fetching!
I decided to try the Midnight Black liner which is basically a mixture of bold black plus blue!
For our MJ makeovers, everyone had a nice cat tail drawn!
Basically you can try drawing your own cat tail in two strokes! A straight line followed by a little flick at the end!
You can draw it like mine, very subtle or like Molemole’s…
The Make up artiste drew a thicker line for her. I think she looks really mischievous in this pic. lol!
I’m soooo gonna collect all 7 colours of the Perfect Automatic Liner!
Stay tuned to my next MJ updates!
oh~~~ I was still wondering what’s the diff between the new and old eyeliners sia~ I shall try one when my pay comes in! LOL
trix: try them! i love the blue one!