I had wanted to blog more, perhaps finish up on my Soyjoy Japan posts or post up about graduation or the 2 runs that I did recently but I can’t seem to find the time to do so.
On a side note, my Majolica Majorca contract expires end year and I do not know if I want to renew it due to various factors. Perhaps it would be better to be able to blog about other makeup products. What do you think? Would you rather see MJ updates or more tutorials using other products etc?
Aside from MJ, I’ve been giving much thought to some aspects of my life. Time to make some changes.
And another thing, what’s with friends mia-ing on you once they got attached? I’m tired of trying, finding you or waiting for you. If finding a significant other means that you no longer care or want your friends then i rather make friends with single people only.
i’m single! i’m your friend! hahaha
Hm I agree with your last point. Somehow attached people disappear on me. Plus, for me, when I do actually meet up with them, it seems as though there is a part of their lives they refuse to share with me, resulting in slight awkwardness. Not sure if it’s like that for you. Super disappointing
Hi Nadia~ Well, I don’t know why but I love reading your posts on MJ’s products as for some other bloggers, they don’t really like review on the product. It’s like great to have somewhere to get to know how the products are like before deciding to get them. =)
Btw, how did you get to be their ambassador? *Curious*
*perasaan* i’ve been mia-ing cos of work!
sorry, dearie!!