Ever since I announced that I was working hard to lose weight, I seem to encounter a whole bunch of irritating people.
Eh before I do so, I would like go share about this individual who bugged the hell of me BEFORE i started dieting (or wanted to do so.)
“you shouldn’t eat that you know?”.
Bumped into this momoren once at an event and while we were taking food, momoren told me that my selection of food was high carbs and that I shouldn’t eat that.
1. Did i ask for his/her fucking opinion?
2. I’m not even close to momoren for him/her to go share his/her “advice” to me.
3. In no way, was I dieting then.
4. Momoren ain’t exactly slim. Shut the fuck up and lose your fats lah.
Ok. Rant over. After the incident, i remembered never to be such a jackass. In fact, unless people ask me for tips or wanted to know what’s my diet like, then i will share with them. I don’t shove such irritating remarks down people’s throats.
Okay, back to my original post, here’s the list of people who irritate me. Yes, colleagues, friends have all done this. Many a times, i wanted tell them to “shut the fuck up” but i think, next time i’ll just show them this post instead.
1. Preachers
Every individual’s body is different. What may work for me may not work for you and vice versa. Yes, I am on a low carb diet which does at times consist of high fat. In no way, is it a low calorie diet.
When i eat lunch with colleagues and/or friends, these people keep preaching over how “high calorie” or how “fattening” my food is. Do i tell you how every soft drink you consume or how every morsel of rice is just making your fat ass bigger? And since when what I eat is any of their business? They’re not even close friends in the first place.
No right? So SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop judging my food. I don’t know HOW MANY TIMES I MUST SAY THAT I AM ON A LOW CARB AND NOT LOW CALORIE DIET. Why do people enjoy preaching? I have never asked for any advice from them. Go preach to someone else that bothers. I obtained my weight loss from my own efforts and i’m happy with it. Tsk.
2. Mockers
When i do take some carbs (i am on a low carb NOT no carb) diet, people give me grief about it. “Why are you eating carbs?!” “No more willpower!” Again, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Perhaps these people should go back to school since they do not know the difference between LOW and NO. And hey, what is it to them what I eat?
Another example is when BFF told me about someone putting us down that we both run slowly. What is it to them if we run slowly? It’s not the time taken. We generally enjoy running. Who are you to judge and mock us?
3. Why why why
The “why are you doing this?” questioners. They go on and on about how i should be happy with my current size etc. Why mother fucker why?
I’m sick of feeling and looking fat. I wanna be healthier. I want to look good naked. I have a wedding photoshoot next year and i would like to have minimal photoshopping done. But most of all, it’s my life, my body. Why do you care so much?
4. Life ain’t worth dieting
Right. While I call this as a “diet”, it’s really a lifestyle change for me. Maybe to you, shoving a tub of icecream down your throat is “life”, i prefer being able to run and feel the wind in my hair. I enjoy my “diet”. These are things i like to eat. I ain’t exactly eating raw celery sticks for all 3 meals okay? By the way, i wonder if you’ll still enjoy life when you have diabetes. #justsaying
5. You should stop
People nagging me to:
– Cut down on running
– Stop losing weight
I don’t even run THAT much. 3 times a week isn’t much. Infact, if possible, we should exercise 5 times a week. Don’t believe? Check out HPB’s website!
I’m not even trying to lose more weight. Yes, i can and still have more to lose but i am happy with my current size. Am just maintaining and toning up. -_-” Again, what is it to you that i am losing weight?
6. Feeders
These people try to test my willpower. At first, yes it’s funny but after a while it’s damn irritating.
DO YOU KEEP OFFERING PORK TO A MUSLIM? DO YOU KEEP OFFERING MEAT TO A VEGETARIAN? If you respect their choices, why can’t you respect mine?
Freaking irritated with such people. If you’ve done any of the above, STOP IT NOW!
Ok. Rant over.
for me, ppl who keep asking me why im eating so much. or **too much food** for a girl.
and sometimes “u dont need/want to diet meh?” wtf.
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:38 am
Irritating right!
Post worth sharing! These irritating people should stop! >=(
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:38 am
Thanks babe!
Now that you have done your brickbats, how about a bouquet entry.
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:39 am
Maybe soon!
haha! i see and met these ppl when i was exericisng too.
now im surroounded with ppl ard me being weigh obessessed. every fuck kp about their weight. knn.
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:40 am
People who put people down are the most irritating don’t you think?
Especially about the running part.
I totally understand and agree with your post! ESPECIALLY THE LAST POINT!! I was fat before, but I’ve successfully shed off all the excess weight and am at a healthy weight now. But I still continue my healthier food preferences etc… and I dont understand why some people judge me so much when I politely decline their offer to eat fastfood, deep fried, high sugar foods with them. They go all bitchy suddenly and make subtle remarks of me being a spoilsport, that I’m selfish, have ‘NO-LIFE’, and that I’m ruining their plans just because I dont agree with their suggestion for lunch. Wtf. They want eat they go eat la why make me feel bad about a decision I believe in?!
The people stated in your post are annoying, and they will try to pull you down and affect you in various ways because humans just love to see others fall.
Just keep going babe!
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:40 am
Thanks Sherena. People should mind about their business more. Tsk!
yap i met (5) too, just ignore them. it’s our lifestyle, not theirs. and btw i heard runners have clearer heads and think better!
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:41 am
I have a colleague who does that to me
Hi nadnut!
Have been a quiet reader of your blog all these while, and I just wanna say… kudos to your determination! I must say exercising more than twice a week can already prove to be a challenge for most working adults. What more having to exercise THREE times a week and going on a low carb diet! I’ve been running since 2010, but never managed to lose as much weight as you…I must say exercising is all about feeling good about ur own body. Keep it up, I do look forward to your exercise and weight loss posts
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:41 am
Thanks Felicia! It’s really great to hear words of encouragement from friends and readers.
Will try my very best!
LMAO lady, you tell them! “Why mother fucker why?” – love this line. Anyway you’re looking smashing and these preachers/mockers can go jump off a building into their tubs of creamy fatty pasta lah. My turn now, and I think of you all the time for the strength to go on!
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:42 am
Awww thanks dear! Let’s work hard together!
Oh man. I was that feeder you are talking about :<
But I didn't feed u any food after Feb.. Right? XD
Anyway, u are looking radiant and have a smashing body (love that collarbone). I bet whoever preach or mock doesn't look half as good as you are <3
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:43 am
Time for me to feed you!
Don’t bother about negative comments! You are definitely going the right path, looking at the results
Plus, you are not weakly-skinny. You are still radiant!
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:44 am
Thanks dear!!
Go go… Just do what you want and will do, your body is your temple and no one is in a better position to tell you what you should or should not do!
Missing u as lunch kaki..
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:44 am
Missing you as a lunch kaki too! Meet up soon?
put them on /ignore mode. Just do whatever that pleases yourself! Afterall, it’s your life! *duhz*
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:45 am
Of course i’ll do whatever i want.
Agrees with many points in your post. It’s a personal choice afterall.
nadnut Reply:
July 2nd, 2012 at 11:45 am
Preachers will still preach sadly
Ah well.
I know this is silly.. But.. I was trying to figure what what “momoren” is, and there I was, trying to pronounce it in some Angmoh slang … Until wham! It suddenly hit me that it’s just ???. Sighs. The little dramas that amuses me
Anyway! U r doing a mighty fine job. Heck those peeps! Do what makes u happier, well, if life ain’t about dieting, they say.. I say life definitely aint about nuisance folks!! Cheers (no beers) ~ <3