quite some time ago, i won 4 free passes to the singapore zoo and i decided to invite my favourite couple jen jen and ben ben to join tiger and i to the zoo.
super image intensive post.
the last time that i went to the zoo was in 2005? gosh. i miss mrkennychan. boo.
outfit of the day.
mango top, fave shorts, slippers and white nadnut cap.
when we arrived at the zoo, i took a picture with the hugggge seal.
wait! not ready! i dunno why was i looking at the seal that way. -_-
ok. a proper pic.
the sweet couple. jen jen and her bam bam. lol!
took a lot of pictures. pics galore! more pics and less talking.
basically we went for a few shows and took a lot of pics.
those arent real.
this is.
they seem to like to run in a group and cuddle together. hmmm.
we then headed for the show. before that, jenny had told us where would the snake “appear” and thus we decide to sit somewhere far away from the place.
it’s time for the show! us camwhoring.
check out the crowd! soooooo many people. madness.
snakes on a man!
they chose a few members of the public to participate in the games/shows.
mosquito bite on my face. bah.
big fat kiss for the little lady.
tiger and i found a handycam and we kindly passed it to the zoo people. (yes, we could have kept it, but we returned it. *good dead of the year*)
zebra crossing
next up! a picture of tiger and i.
hahaha. were you expecting the real tiger?
let’s hunt for him!
onto the trek!
hmmm, so its on the left instead…
tiger is sooo cute!
the real thing. most of them were rather lazy and were just sun-bathing but these 2 were walking all the time. probably thinking of all that food outside. lol.
nadnut, the next steve irwin? i seem to like sitting on crocodiles/aligators. check out the previous pic taken in aussie!
i see monkeys. was pretty scared that they’ll attack me or something… (considering the fact i kena bitten by monkeys 2 yrs ago)
medium rare anyone?
we had a fun time feeding the goats and lambs. somehow this reminds me tiger and my company. they love to make us goats and lambs. why? go figure.
meh. silly goat. lol. this was a nickname mrkennychan gave me. check out the goat’s bug eye expression!
finally feeding the poor goat.
harlow billy goat! (my nickname for mrkennychan :P)
feeding the lambs
the lambs were quite dirty. think they werent well kept. poor things.
more evurl monkeys.
we then went to play with the bunnies. cute!
the lady teaching me the correct way on holding the bunny.
bunny refuses to look at the camera. bah.
jen jen feeding the bunny.
we went to look at the butterflies and the bats.. somehow they freaked me out.
one of the many freaky butterflies.
count dracula
kingmeng’s fave snakes.
coochie coochie coo!
now he’s on my head!
i wanted to take a picture with the turtles but the rest didnt want….
so i had to contend with taking pics with the metal one!
where’s the kangaroo?
2 wannabe kangaroos!
the real thing.
live animals going to be carted.
ben and jen kindly treated tiger and i some delish ben and jerry’s. shiokadoodoo!
i’m waiting!
damn shiok! i love the chocolate chip cookie dough! shiokadoodoo!
moooooooooooooooooooooo. that concludes the super belated photo-entry!
Finally came to visit me at the zoo, otherwise I would have thought you forgotten our fling.
And please… next time stop stepping on my leg!! It hurts!!! Oops, my flipper I meant.
I agree that butterflies are freaky!!!
WAHAHAHAA now you can come my house and grab bunnies liao
Eh, I also sing that zoo zoo zoo song leh! But I can’t remember where I learnt it from…
Those mutherfucking snakes on that mutherfucking man!