Once in July and another in December!
On a side note, I seem to be traveling every month and i LOVE it!
January was Batam, February was Bali, March was on a cruise to KL and April was Melaka!
Updates soon! Apologies for the downtime. Liquidblade was down for a few days. On a side note, I should be moving to http://www.nadnut.com completely soon and getting a blog revamp in a few months!
Now which do you prefer to read next? Bkk pics, Belated lao yusheng with MJ girls, Crazy cab incident, Rant about annual leave, graduation photos, Jap trip pics or a makeup tutorial, poker pics and videos or something else? Loads to update! Just need to find some time to type!
Aside from that, I’ll be doing a giveaway in May! A verrrrrrrry attractive item will be given away soon! Look out for it!
Bkk trip!!!!!!