Hi guys!
Recently I have entered a competition, the Unexpected Australia Adventure Here’s my entry
I have been shortlisted! Basically I’m in top 7 (http://unexpectedaustralia
If you can, I really do hope you will be able to plug me in your blog! I really need as much votes as I can get! The good news is that voters will stand a chance to win a MacBook Air, a Sony Ericsson K8501,a Nikon B60, a Nintendo WII and two Sandisk Ducati Thumbdrive (4GB)!
How do you vote? You’ll have to register here: http://unexpectedaustralia.asiaone.com/vote/register.php
afterwhich, head to my userpage: http://unexpectedaustralia.asiaone.com/vote/description.php?vMemberID=202 and click vote for me!
The bad news is that they will only accept one vote per username however the good news is that you can vote again after 24 hours! So pls vote everyday from March 3rd – March 10th!
I really hope that you’ll be able to help! Pretty pretty please? Afterall, you would rather see a friend/colleague/fellow blogger/pingster/nuffnanger/barfly win right?
Do feel free to pass this message around. Thanks!!!!
Oh, btw, please do NOT even think of voting for my friend Barffie! *cough*
Nadia aka nadnut
Thanks for the plugs!
– Cowboy Caleb
– r3gular
– Barffie
– Jeshuafreak
– Princess
– Missy
– 9
– Aloe
– Jaschocolate
– Cordelia
– Pitstop Cafe
– Esther
– Marcus
– Jaywalk
– Cass
– Claudia
– Daryl
good luck!
nadnut: thanks!
Lol, all the best hehe!
Plugged you as well!
nadnut: thanks man!!!
i smell the nintendo wii!
*sniffs sniffs*
nadnut: hehee. vote more! more chances of winning it!
okie. will go home vote for u after i end sch and do my hsework =)
nadnut: thanks babe!
LONG TIME NO SEE! Haha, we’ll meet soon if I get to go!
The post is rubbish pls! Haha! Seeee ya soon! Good luck for your voting! 
nadnut: lol. okies! thanks babe!
voted =D
nadnut: yay!
OH! I see my name. HAHA.
Hmmm. Let’s see. Wii I already got, Macbook would be yummy. MUAHAHA.
nadnut: lol, better thank your bro for the wii. he’s freaking broke now! lol.
voted for you already.
do us proud!
nadnut: i do hope so!!! thanks man!
hey there =) stumbled upon your blog. i voted for u too! will vote for u EVERYDAY till 10/3. GOOD LUCK!
i got a wii and macbook already, so the only reason i’m doing this for you hor.
p.s. i even got my parents to vote. hurhur.