updates on the lump. on saturday, the swelling has went down, to half its size and by sunday, its barely visible. i am definitely sure it is not a pimple and it seems like an insect bite. anyway its almost gone, so that saves a trip from the doc and the disgusting meds.
anyway, i have an addiction. a baaaaad addiction. and its called potato chips addiction! grrr. i missed australia chips so much that i went to buy from candy empire. a paltry 100g for 3.95. ex ex!
been guzzling the chips non-stop… its no wonder i seem to gaining more and more weight. argh. HELP! get those chips away from me!
update @ 10.40pm: just broke a mirror. how suay. 7 years of fat bad luck
hey ure not alone. i used to eat chips till i went sick. haha
Hey babe I sure hope ur lump, ur lump ur lump ur lump is better. i want those chips too…boo but i can’t! Since I got an oven I shld go try baking some of my own low fat chips! slurp!
MY DARN CAMERA is spoilt! So no pictures of all my recent bakings. argh.
good to know your lump went away.
chips are good.