If you’re wondering why it’s “her” birthday, it’s because I blogged Ccb’s birthday as “his birthday”. Geddit? His and her birthdays.
I had to work on my birthday sadly but my colleagues bought a cake for me! So sweet of them.
And yes, I didn’t want to turn 26.
After work, went to meet Ccb. We went to Marina Square first to pick up my birthday present.
Two hearts interlinked.
With the necklace on. I love it!
Outfit of the day: Dress by Simplifiquez.livejournal.com (Support my friend Huirong’s blog shop please!), bag by River Island and shoes bought in Bangkok!
Ccb brought me to Giraffe which is located opposite of Plaza Sing, or somewhat nearby there! He had seen that place many a times while riding past and thought it looked like a quaint and nice place for a quiet dinner.
Ccb kept taking pictures of me!
He finally stopped when the server came. Phew.
We ordered an appetiser, a soup, 2 steaks and 2 cocktails. Good stuff!
And he continued taking pictures of me. zzzz. Pictures flooooood!
As I had to work the next day, we called it an early night for my birthday. A simple but sweet celebration. Next year! McDonalds birthday party? Hurhur!
Happy 16th birthday!
Happu birthday!