have you ever felt so left behind?
after a whole lot of leave taken during the last two weeks, by the time i go back to work, there is a whole hell lot of files on my table signalling lots of work, there are hundreds (and i mean hundreds!!!!) of emails left in my mailbox to clear plus a signal that my mailbox is effing full, which means, after clearing the emails, hundreds more will be coming thru, my table seems to accumulate a bit of dust.
the rosebud on my table seems to have nicely bloomed, coming to work seems foreign and i feel so unfamiliar with work.
god! i wanna be on leave again!
perhaps the blooming rose is a sign of things to come?
yeah, emails are the bane of work. think these are the times where you wish you were back in the old days of snail-mail, and you have the excuses like ‘the post-office must have lost it’. (>.
nadnut: that’s a nice thought.
emails suck. hahahaaa. mailbox keeps getting full.
at least u went on leave….*sniff*
nadnut: at least you got married…. *sniff* hahahahaaaaaaaaaa