a very camera friendly day.
had a tummy upset on saturday (i blame the otah. but then, i had 12 of them. erm. ok. my fault.) and spent the day at home feeling like shit. *pun intended* wanted to go wala but the tummy was horrible. in the end, got bullied by the parentals.
thank god, i was feeling better the next day. since it was my anni with tiger, we spent the day together in town. i think im getting old. i find going out to town on a weekend a total nightmare. the horrid crowd! jostling and all. grrr.
we caught a movie, 200 pounds beauty and i love it! i think im an emo wreck sometimes. cant believe that i teared during the movie. -_-”
aside from the movie, i did some shopping. $$$. spent a lot at MAC and zara. every month, i’ll buy 2 items from MAC. one day, im gonna convert all my makeup to MAC. woo hoo! anyway, spent too much this week. broke!
i brought tiger to shaslik (pics and review will be in another entry, i splitted this entry into 2 because of the review. lol) and i think he really liked the place. and i managed to try the lovely redbull sorbet! woot! pics galore. im such a camwhore. tsk tsk.
accessories for the day.
lovely cat earrings. i didnt realise that i am so hairy there!
closeup of earrings. meow meow!
pretty rainbow and clouds necklace. had a hard time finding it. doesnt it match my layout? hee.
candy striped dress and belt, with charles and keith wedges. (cant be seen)
my juicy couture bag. <3
hello there!
eyemakeup of the day. MAC melon pigment and some eyeliner.
did you notice that my hair is black?
surfs up dudes! i look so shunu in this pic. -_-”
redbull sorbet!
so happy!
it was damn good. shiok!
spotted a cute po box. lol. i just had to camwhore.
what a lovely anniversary. <3
ahhhhhhhh!!!!! i
ack!! same wedges! hahahaa!
Happy anny! What a coincidence, my bf and I also celebrate our anny on April 30!
hahaaa. ehh. i like the necklace babe. nice stuff.
oh, and thanks for the chocolates!!!
love them. 
i’m munching on it now anyway. hahaha!
ur anni….where’s tiger??? no pics of him!
nice : )
that pic above of you is really cute! so sweet!
I’d be very grateful if you could tell me where you bought your rainbow-necklace. I’m looking for the exact one, and like you said; it’s a lot of work!
hey. i am interested to know where you bought the white belt that you are wearing in this post and the ‘i only look innocent’ tee from. Mind telling? (: