happy anniversary pitstopcafe!
to many more good years to come!
the pitstop crew with nadnut & fatboy/fatass
- a place where i can call my 3rd home
- a place where i have the most good clean fun
- a place where i met 4 nice people
- a place where i would want to bring tiger to.. (when he’s back)
- a place where i can be at 3 days in a row and not be bored.

the cutest penguin ever. i want!
the cake was delicious today. thanks!

it sucks going out with good looking guys. they steal the damn attention away.
i must remind myself that i have been prescribed antacids for a reason. even though chewing them, makes those little bits gets stucked in the hole, i must remember to take them. i was having the weird feeling in my tummy the whole day.
big chair @ the clinic. bow to your queen!
it sucks not being able to drink alcohol. especially on happy occasions.

jenad. one of my closest friends. my ‘twin sister’. one of my dearest friends.
so far, still no severe pain (except for the upset tummy incident today) and i have progressed to eating other stuff. i dont see how some people can lose so much weight, afterall i feel like im gaining a lot. maybe because im recovering a hell lot faster?
as miss jen jen said.. “you sure dont behave like someone who just had an operation, you know?”
hahaa. i know. cool eh? shopping a day after the op, not sleeping for 36 hours straight watching samsoon dvds, a stopover to a club followed by pitstop cafe. maybe i should recover slowly and perhaps ill be able to lose weight instead of gaining them.
i realised i can eat anything, just as long as i can swallow them whole.
food intake for today: strawberry milk, porridge with omelette, mutton soup, french fries, icecream, tofu and diet coke.
when can i eat steak again?

meh @ the clinic.
booooring. though i would like to dine at the restaurant there one day. wheelchairs for seats! who wants to bring me there? *thick skinned*
tomorrow ill rest at home. afterall i need to piah project. the thought of chrismas shopping soon scares me. the only comforting thing is that ill be able to shop at town during an afternoon where there won’t be much crowds. cool! 3 days of mc left. soon its back to work. oh well.
really don\’t behave like one who just had an op mah! During my turn, I was on a clear soup diet.
nadnut: heee!Â
Wah lau… steak right… Ask tiger to do the birdy thing… you know… Mother Bird chews up the food and then passes it to the baby bird… Ask him to chew for you and then pass it to you to digest.
nadnut: ewwwwwwww!Â
thanks for coming by to join in our celebration. I agree with Jen…i never know that with wisdom tooth you still can eat mutton and french fries!
See ya
nadnut: what to do. your mum\’s special was just too damn good!Â
u looked good yesterday too! hehe!
nadnut: hahaa. thanks!Â
I like your new hair
nadnut: thanks! :)Â