
Giveaway: MapleSEA Item Codes!

MapleStory, MapleSEA, Let's Celebr8, MapleSEA item codes giveaway

As some of you guys may know, MapleSEA (or more commonly known as MapleStory) turned 8 this year! They had a huge birthday celebration by having a fun party bus touring around places in Singapore!

MapleStory, MapleSEA, Let's Celebr8, MapleSEA item codes giveaway

Not only were there fun activities, they also gave out item codes and there were pretty MapleSEA promoters to take pictures with!

MapleStory, MapleSEA, Let's Celebr8, MapleSEA item codes giveaway

Happy Birthday MapleSEA!!

MapleStory, MapleSEA, Let's Celebr8, MapleSEA item codes giveaway

Anyone want these item codes? All you’ll have to do is:

1) Comment with your name and email.
2) Indicate which item code you’ll like
3) Like the MapleSEA Facebook page and my facebook page here: nadnut
4) Comment on this entry by 30th August

Mr Randomiser will choose randomly on who will the winners be! I will send you guys emails with the item code details! All the best!

528 thoughts on “Giveaway: MapleSEA Item Codes!”

  1. I never knew there’s someone so good like you >.< If it’s true then I’d like a Pet Bear Package please! :DDD I’ve never top up before so I never get to buy cash items ;( Thank You very much :DD <3


  2. I would like to have the Super Miracle Cude code !n:)nYour Blog is Awesome ! Less ppl blog about MapleSea but you did it ! ahah


  3. REX WONG LIANG CHEANni wan harpseal limited edition because its so cute and pretty and can be more powerful if have that pet hat :)nAnd another genie because its annivesary of maplsea 8th year! 🙂


  4. Would love to get on hands with the Harp Seal Package due to they are unresistant cute and awesome in real life too 😀


  5. Helloo, i am a maplesea loyalty player who has attended 7 of the maplesea anniversary birthday in-game already. I would be truly grateful to win in-game prizes from here. My choice is the code for super miracle code x12


  6. Hi! I have liked the pages… I’m interested in the super miracle cube x12 ..nnThanks a ton for this giveaway! Totally wish I was able to attend the event.. looked like fun!


  7. I would be thankful if I receive the harp seal package as a gift and it is so cute that even I dream about owning it! It is such a good gift that would cheer up my day and bring out more fun in maple. 😀


  8. Hi, Nice website though. I would like to have the code for Super Miracle cube x 12. Thank you in advance.


  9. Hi, Nice website though. I would like to have the code for Super Miracle cube x 12. Thank you in advance.


  10. Hi, Nice website though. I would like to have the code for Super Miracle cube x 12. Thank you in advance.


  11. I would really love to have the Pet Bear Package as I completely missed the event studying for my upcoming O levels. I really wanted to go but didn’t have the time to . I’m also rather poor financially , i’m not working and understand that I shouldn’t spend on games so i’m here trying to win a contest instead.


  12. I would like to win the harp seal package as it is very cute and can help to increase my attack. This can also help to show guys that girls maplers can also be as strong as them and we’re not easy to be KS-ed or bully :p


  13. I like all the item but the most of course is the SUPER MIRACLE CUBE 12 baby!!!! Happy Mapling nadnut!!!!!!


  14. Uhh hello pretty! Thanks for being such a nice person for giving out free codes :)nTheres nothing much I really need. I just need a bear package because I got 4 same colour ones when I typed in 4 codes 🙁


  15. I don’t mind having any of the rewardsas any one of them is good enough =)). It is my birthday today and i hope receiving one of the rewards above can be one of my birthday present. =)


  16. I would like the the 12x super miracle cube code please :DnnSorry for double comment, my mistake for the first one


  17. Can I have the Harp Seal Package , Pet Bear Package and the Super Miracle Cube Package if you don’t mind? Thank you very much !


  18. I like the harp seal and pet bear package! :DnI have already like maplesea and your FB page!nHope to win something~^^


  19. I would like a Limited Edition Harp Seal Package OR Super Miracle Cube x12 , Hope i Win ^^ Jiayous To myself !


  20. I’ve shared this on my facebook page! But I still really hope that I;ll get the Pet Bear Package pleaseee, thanks 😀 <3


  21. For the MapleSEA giveaway, I would like the Harp Seal Package. I know it is limited edition, so if there is no more I would like the Pet Bear Package. I hope I can be picked. If not, well too bad then hehe.


  22. My name is Andrew Yoko from SIngapore.Email: Item Code=Legendary 8th anniversary Genie. For more info maple ign:Schoryumi world: Delphinus. Hope for the best. Thank You. Actually I also dun know where is your blog hope this is your blog.


  23. Hello my name is Andrew Yoko from S’pore. The Item Code I wish for is the Legendary 8th anniversary Genie. For more info maple ign: Schoryumi world:Delphinus. Hoping for some good news.Thank You. Actually I dun know if this is your blog but I hope it is.^-^


  24. Hi! Im from SG.My Code=Limited Edition Harp Seal Package.Maple name>Schlovski(delphinus).Hope to get it THX!!!!!^-^


  25. Hi there!! I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO GET THE Legendary 8th Anivesary Ginnie!!! it would really make my day if i won it as i really wnt to go to the maple bus event but couldnt make it as i got exams…. i was really dissapointed as my frens told me about tis ginnie… i hope to hear frm you soon (:


  26. Hello! Omg I’ve been wanting a pet bear package but it’s pretty much sold out because I’ve only just been back from my exams recently! ): nSoooo~ It’s gonna be a pet bear package I would want!


  27. Super miracle cube x12nnI am an avid fan of maplesea and i have been following your blog since you posted about your staycation and your wedding. I’ve have never won anything before and i hope this will be my first time winning!


  28. Super miracle cube pleaseeeee>< i want “Super Miracle Cube x12” tytytytyty plsplsplspls thanks 😛 pls make my dreams come true >,<


  29. The item code i wish for is Pet Bear Package:) Thanks for organizing this event:) hope i will be lucky^^


  30. Hello 🙂 If i get chosen I hope to get the Super Miracle Cube x 12, or if someone has already chosen that, the Harp Seal Package! nnThanks very much! 🙂


  31. 1) Like to be known as Miss Chinn2) The Limited Edition Harp Seal Package please please please! Choose men3) had liked both pages!nThanks


  32. Hi Mrs Sim!nnCongratulations on your wedding!nnI would like to have the 8th anniversary Genie!nnThank you!


  33. Hi Mrs Sim,nnI would really appreciate any of the codes, but if given a choice I would prefer the Super Miracle Cube code. nnThank you! :DnnNicholas


  34. OMG ! Happy 8th Birthday MAPLESEA !! Time flies ! And you are 8th!nnThanks Nadnut for the wonderful giveaway! <3nnI hope to have ……Harp Seal Package ! nnCheers! nnnn


  35. i would like super miracle cube, limited edition harp seal package and legendary 8th anniversary genie thanks!!


  36. Hi, Im really wish i could get the 8th Anniversary Genie. The reason is that being an explorer job making me low self esteem -_- My damage is far away from those season 2 jobs, its like others hits in 6 digits while i deal only 5 digits damage at the same level. Some more the revamp of windbreaker is piss me off since my job is bowmaster. So i believed that the extra weapon attack given in this package could give me a great boost in my damage. Thank you!


  37. hi, i cant make up my mind, but i wish that i can get either the pet bear package or the super miracle cube package if i could win. thanks


  38. Hi! I’m hoping to win the ‘Super Miracle Cube Package’. :)nnHave already liked both the FB pages. Thanks!n


  39. I would like to get pet bear package, anniversary genie, or super miracle cube x12, any of them will be fine 🙂


  40. i want the super miracle cube package please please. may i know when will the results be announced? thanks alot


  41. Hi! I would realllllly hope you will give me the Pet Bear Package! :3 It’s cute & I never had a pet in maple before. Can you give me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 I love you thankssss 🙂


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