After working the whole of yesterday, here are 5 things I aim to do today.
1) Da Xiao Ren
Sometimes you just gotta vent your frustrations out. While I may not go as far as getting a wooden clog to da xiao ren, I’ll find other ways to feel better.
Catch up with some much needed zzzzz
3) Blog
I have been neglecting my blog ever since I started working. I guess it’s really hard to find time to blog and work. Must try to blog almost every other day!
I also need to get hosting for and shift! Liquidblade keeps going down like a bad yoyo diet and it’s damn irritating.
4) Spend some quality time with my loved ones.
Including the cat.
5) Me-time
Maybe go for a walk or something. On the contrary to popular belief, I rather spend time alone than with others most of the time.
What are your 5 things to do today?