Quite some time ago, mum and I spent a whole day together just doing some mother-to-daughter bonding time. We had tickets for the magic show “MagicBox” and mum was bringing me to Build-a-Bear to replace the bear she “accidentally” decapitated. Anyway she had vouchers so effectively we only needed to top up like 10 bucks. hurhur. (The Build-a-Bear entry later will be up at a later date.)
As we were in a rush, we had to settle for some quick bites. We grabbed a burger at this cute little cafe called Sour Puss located nearby the Esplanade.
The place was rather cute and the food managed to come quite fast. There was only one guy there who had to take orders, clear tables and serve food. Poor guy.
Cute decor on the table! Paw Prints!
Yours truly. Last pic of the hair extensions!
I totally forgot to take pics of the food. We gobbled our food down and rushed off to catch our show.
MagicBox was a combination of a magic show and a play by the talented Lawrence and Priscilla Khong. Supporting actors were Dwayne Tan, Jason Chan and Johnathan Lim. It was my very first live magic show and I was amazed by the sheer beauty of it all. From costumes to the magic acts to the different emotions evoked, I was really blown away.
One may say that the acting wasn’t good but after all, don’t forget that Lawrence and Priscilla are magicians and not actors by nature. I think their acting skills are acceptable and they did well but concentrating on the magic acts.
I was left guessing and amazed at many parts e.g. the sawing guy into half to the escape act to many others. Yes, I could simply google for the answers but I’ll like to leave it as it is. A mystery to me.
Anyway, right after the act, there was a photography and signing session with the famous duo. Thankfully I remembered to bring my camera and mum and I took pictures with the very friendly and down to earth father and daughter team. (As you guys know, I do not post pictures of Tiger and my family so no pics of mumsy here!)
Lawrence and I. He’s reallly reallly friendly.
The beautiful Priscilla Khong.
The father and daughter team.
I then found out that the duo had actually foundered Project SMILE (Sharing Magic In Love Everywhere) which is a very interesting community service. It was really a great experience and my mum and I really enjoyed ourselves.
I wanna watch more magic shows!
hello! been reading for awhile but nv commented before haha..
oh cool, glad you liked the show! hehe he’s my pastor.. i didnt manage to catch it myself but it’s v nice reading that you liked it.
jojo; : i really really love the show!! i hope the khongs will have more such shows! he’s your pastor? he’s reallly really friendly! nice guy!
i’ve watched him many years back.. was impressed with it, and *very* touched by him and his words at the end of the show. it was the first (and only) time i cried so much during a evangelistic show.
ahaha yea he’s the senior pastor of FCBC. how did you hear abt the show anyway? oh man now i wish i watched it! hahaha
Hehe…he’s my Pastor too. He and Priscilla did a great job! Glad many people, including many aunties,uncles, grandpas & grandmas like the show. I truly njoy it
starmist: ooooh. i heard of his name way back when i was doing event management but never had a chance to see him. if there’s another show, lets watch it together!
jojo: heh. mum heard about the show on radio 91.3fm. she really really enjoyed herself too! heh. it was really a great experience.
beadsoflav: hey babe. ur back! how’s everything back home? ooooh i really didnt know he was a pastor. heh. he really did a good job!
okie!! he’s really good, right!
let’s do mortini’s on 18th?
starmist: can’t babe. i got dinner plans that day and all those steak sandwiches will definitely spoil dinner!