quite some time ago, dear barf barf organised a cooking mama cookout for a few of us. basically a few of us were super addicted to cooking mama and we decided to bring it to real life! natsu became the cooking mama and barffie and i (and supposedly sassyjan) were supposed to learn how to cook the dishes from mama!
shito. am i doing this right?
wooot. cooking mamas!
poke poke!
mama checking if i’ve done it right.
superb fun! especially since barffie and i were totally clueless in the kitchen. smart sassyjan brought her secret weapon, maby! who cooked a very mean dish of chilli crab. shiokadoodoo!!!
evil jeffwee was videoing us. grrr.
busy ladies.
all pics courtesy of 9. let’s do it again!
the one and only pic with barf’s meow meows!
cocktail sausages with pineapples. nice!
fried omelette.
teriyaki chicken.
superb chilli crab!
miso soup!
the spread. including the fried rice!
we had so much fun! let’s do it again! but this time can it be cooking papas? hehehe.
the cowboybar cooking mamas!
btw, happy birthday natsuuuuuuuuuuu!
Food looks good! Mmmm… That’s many yummy dishes to dig into (and wash)! Get the guy videoing the fun to wash… hehe…
I like your white furry cat btw
nadnut: heh we ladies did the washing up. the guys got pampered that day. the white cat is my friend’s. heh.
Wah! LOL! I playing Cooking Mama now…
Need to polish up the virtual one before trying real life…
What a fun idea! Haha.. You guys actually cook Miso Soup.. that’s awesome.
It’s not enough seeing it on Barf’s site… I have to see it on yours again… ='( => Chilli Crabs! again!! urgh!! and so many plates of it! urgh!! I WAN!! *slurp* *grumble grumble*
*roar* I look fat in the picssssss.
*drool over all those food*
looks darn yummy…
haha. so many food pics recently on blogs i read
haha. so many food pics recently on blogs
Nice! Looks like you guys had fun. Chilli crab… *drool*
i also wanna cook leh!
Thanks Nadia!
We sure gonna organize more cooking sessions! Moi need to learn from other mamas/papas!
yummy the food looks damn delicious..