After lunch at lawry’s, i headed over to Pitstop Cafe to meet some friends for some boardgames fun.
Outfit of the day. Dress from one of the online shops i frequent. Love them!
Anyway back to pitstop. Havent been to my fave place in ages! I miss them soooo much! We played risk again and as previous experiences, I kicked ass again.
The black soldiers are mine.
Check out the score. hurhur.
World domination is mine.
We then played another game called quelf.
And one of the silly things ben had to do was to tie his belt on his head. LOL.
He looks damn funny la.
I laughed the loudest at ben. and soon.
Check out the cuckoo vid.
a pic with weekee and eve. i want a pitstop tee too! can?
Group pic!
To more pitstop outings! anyone? heh.
You sure bangs are not good? lol!
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Hey nad! You know what? I was clicking too fast and i accidentally deleted your comment! Apologies!!
Wah your blog suddenly exploded with entries.. haha!
nadia, which online shop u go one?
Playing boardgames and nice photos. Thumb up!
heYs…nice dress you’ve got…and pitstop is really a fun cool place
Hey, those are my juniors that’s running pitstop. heh.