This week’s Starblog topic. Here’s my take. I wrote about my first kiss and my first FRENCH kiss. hurhur. Do share what’s YOUR first kiss like!
Category: Starblog
my experiences starblogging ;)
Why these people are the 10 most influential persons, for better to worse, in my life.
This week’s Starblog topic. I tried thinking and thinking and I couldn’t come out with 10. So here’s 7 instead. I didn’t name any names but you guys should know who i’m talking about.
What’s your take on guys who go for regular beauty treatments, shave bodily hair, wear jewellery, use perfume etc liberally and spend lots and lots on designer clothes, bags and shoes?
That’s this week’s Starblog topic. Here’s my take. And no, I don’t know what’s with the delay. I sent my entry in on Friday. -_-“. Tsk.
Why can’t Singapore guys and gals get their act together and do the following: (1) Marry each other and not remain single, and (2) produce babies, babies and more babies
That’s this week’s Starblog topic. As mentioned in last week’s Would You Rather, I am not ready to start a family. I feel like killing babies sometimes. Here’s my take. What’s yours? Comment comment comment!