just sent you a nudge. * nadnut™ (R) [bdays are depressive. the thought of the big 2-6 looming is BAD.] says: *? says: *hey nadnut™ (R) [bdays are depressive. the thought of the big 2-6 looming is BAD.] says: *u are? says: *i’m 21/f your a male right? nadnut™ (R) [bdays are …
Category: Random
eh? this post fits in no category. its in a world of its own!
typing via my blackberry
Off for a cruise tomorrow! Mum and I found a great one for one promo! Cruise to KL! Has anyone been on one before? Should I take the land tour package by the cruise or go by myself via taxis etc? Advice needed!
Why you lidat ah?
Why you send me press releases ah …. 1) to events I wasn’t invited 2) to stuff that I never indicated i was interested Yada yada yada. At least have the decency to check with me if I was interested in the content before bombarding me with numerous of press releases about your yada yada …
Happy St Pat’s day!
Koped this from my office. And yes, I have a very messy desk and a slice of cake on my table.