Just attended Sony Ericsson’s launch of their PlayNow service. Basically you can download selected movies, music and games into your Sony Ericsson phone. The sad thing is that it’s only compatible for SE phones for the movies and games (honestly, I wouldn’t pay money to download music. I get it FOC from *cough certain sources …
Category: Mini notes
The Sony Vaio P is freaking tiny! Attended their press conference last week and one of the models took the pocket pc out of his back pocket. WTF?!
I’ve just realised I’ve forgotten my blog’s 5 year anniversary. Oopsie Daisy! Btw, I’ll be off to the land of less shopping tomorrow till 30th! If there’s wifi, I’ll blog, if not, updates after I’m back! 😉
Congratulations to dear Rinaz and Cartcart! 🙂