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can i play with your wii wii?

remember this?

jen jen’s bf (named benjamin, who i call ben ben. lol. jen jen and ben ben. LOL!) bought a wii and jen jen invited me to play with ben ben’s wii. lol! since that idiotic sibeh sian did not invite me to play with his wii wii, i had to find something else to amuse me.

first up, outfit of the day!

casual day. zara puff sleeve top with spag from bkk (i love the colours!), jeans, nadnut necklace, rainbow hoops and beloved guess watch.

colours! <3

the wii! expensive stuff!

jen jen is definitely an addict. look what she bought.

original leh! 77 buckaroos. *gulps*

cooking nadnut. (that sounds damn wrong)

cooking jen jen.

the crazy gals.

playing cooking mama on wii is damn difficult man. i totally suck at almost all steps. got thrashed by jen jen. 🙁 i prefer playing on ds, at least i get to kick jen jen’s ass a few times.

tmd even ben ben kicked my ass. grrr.

where got ppl play with wii look so shunu one? i was practically waving my hands like a crazy cuckoo and shaking my flabby arms like mad. and jen jen? tmd look so shunu.


example of the instructions. but overall fun but arm ache leh. ego totally got deflated that day. tmd.

after that we headed to pitstopcafe to meet up with the bsc peeps. i organised the outing and managed to pull 2 special guests!

mira! i havent seen this sweetie for more than a year!

mrkennychan! my bestfriend is back for hols! 🙂

played some silly games like leaning tower of pisa where we had to stack the men (pic above) on the tower and make sure it doesnt topple. or make the other side topple. well, we just made up the rules as we go!

me and the colourful tower!

a group pic! i’ll miss mrkennychan and cass when they leave for perth. 🙁 nevermind, i’ll meet you guys there aye? couldnt help but think back about the past.

i love poly life. the bsc gang and tpsu’s foc made a great impact in my life. how i wish i could go back to those days. no wonder our parents always said, schooling days are the best.

they truly are.


time to move on. oh well. more bsc outings soon? after im back from taiwan? heh.

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3 thoughts on “can i play with your wii wii?”

  1. I rule in wii….! 😛 I unlocked more recipes today!

    Yes, miss the BSC days, so sad you couldn’t join us in school yesterday, let’s just hope we can have a huge outing again soon!


  2. Why is everyone doing the Wii?! If only I had a console. I never had PS/SEGA/Nintendo or whatsoever other than that ancient piece of 1st Gen Gameboy…


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