I love being a female.
I find no shame in embracing my womanly side and pampering myself. While some girls would find it against them to dress up and put on makeup (or warpaint as I call it) as they find that they are happy with how they look naturally, I love taking my time dolling myself up, especially for a love one. I find it a very sensual affair. I would slather on some body cream to maintain my soft smooth skin, I would take elaborate care in putting on makeup and choosing my clothes for someone who’ll appreciate the effort I take in making myself look pretty for him.
I love having my nails done weekly. It brings me such joy having nice manicured nails always. I love watching the manicurist work her magic and transform my grubby nails to some work of art. I would go for facials as I love the feel of someone pampering me. A good facial massage coupled with a cooling mask is worth spending that amount of money.
I don’t do this everyday, in fact, I have my slacker days where I walk around barefaced in shorts and teeshirt in town. I know some people are probably shaking their fists at this entry right now and yelling that they should be allowed to have their unruly eyebrows and never have to shave their legs, but let me clarify. While I do not think that there is a need to doll up everyday, I do think that everyone should be presentable at work (especially if you are meeting clients) or at special events. There is a time and place for everything.
Don’t you think so?
So yeah, I love being a vainpot. I see no shame in it. How about you?
I feel no shame and I am a guy.
Dress for yourself so you will feel good.
Others will feel good around you too.
if it makes you feel good bout urself, it’s totally fine!
no shame to be had at all. :d
im a lazy vainpot. haha. does that count?
what colour contact lense were you wearing on your post September 2, 2009?
I do think one should no be a slob, even at home. At the very least, hair should be combed, outfit should be clean and tidy, face should be washed, breath should be fresh, et cetera.