Pictures Travel February 10, 2007February 13, 2007 by nadnut *burp* anyone misses dunkin’ donuts? yum. *burp* Related PostsAtorrege AD+ Double Cleansing Skincare RoutineA picture of the ching chong one.that thing about botak jones…WTF of the day : Team High HeelMajolica Majorca Chapter 31: Fake Sleeping
argh.. i was just telling a friend recently that i miss dunkin’ donuts!! why doesn’t sg has it?! [Reply]
hv to agree previous pic pose damn suggestive.
argh.. i was just telling a friend recently that i miss dunkin’ donuts!! why doesn’t sg has it?!
dunkin is nothing. try kruspy kreme. dunno how to spell but damn nice.
malaysia BAGUS !!!
i wan dunkin’ donuts too!!!
krispy kreme lah df.. but i don’t know where to get that! *pulls long face*
hahaha…uncle will bring u there one lor~